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I walked into my Algebra class and sat down in my usual seat. I always sat more near the middle where no one sat. Everyone always sat near the front or the back.

Today I was greeted to Harry sitting in the seat next to mine. Inwardly I groaned in frustration. Why did he have to come over and sit next to me? I didn't need the distraction of him next to me.

"Why are you sitting here? Shouldn't you be in the back with your friends?" I spat.

"Hey, what's with the venom Ken? I haven't screwed you over... yet." he winked.

I gagged, "More like ever. Go back to your friends Romeo."

His eyebrows drew together in confusion before he smiled an rested his arm on the back of my chair. "Kendall, I'm not going to leave until you agree to go out with me." he put a sensual drawl to his words.

"That will never happen. All you want to do is make out with girls. You're disgusting." I sneered.

"You don't even know me. How do you know what I want? Give me a chance to prove that I actually want to be with you." he said with one of those half smiles.

"I don't have to give you a chance. Look I don't like you like that. I'm not like the other girls at this school and won't be won over." I said bluntly.

He looked shocked and was about to say something but was silenced when the teacher walked in the room. I had never been more grateful to a teacher in my life. I feared that if he said much more to me that I would give in to his idea and give him a chance.

As Mr. Jacobs taught the new lesson I did my best to pay attention but my gaze kept traveling over to Harry. No, Stop it right now Kendall you don't like him. I told myself.

"Alright class. You have ten minutes of class left. You can get a jump start on your homework. I hope all of you are planning on going to the quad for the math bowl this weekend." he smiled widely.

I opened my text book and began working on the homework. If Angeline and I were gonna go see a movie tonight then this needed to be done as quickly as possible. "So what do you say Kendall?" Harry whispered to me.

I turned my head toward him while keeping my eyes on my work. "Hmm?"

"Come on Kendall. I just want to show you I'm all bad. I want to change your mind." he said sweetly. Sickly sweet.

I sighed. "Why do you care?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why do you care what I think? It doesn't make sense to me."

"I guess I just care what people think. I don't like it when people harbor negative feelings about me."

I looked toward the front of the classroom and worried my bottom lip as I thought. Should I trust him and let him try to change my mind? What harm could it really do?

"Alright. You have a month to prove to me that you aren't who I think you are. We'll make a game of it. If you can't convince me then I win. If you can then you win."

"What do I get if I win?" he asked with a smirk.

"You wanted a date. If you win I'll give you a chance, meaning one date. If I win... well I'll tell you what I get when I win."

"You seem pretty sure that you'll win." he observed.

"Well Romeo I hate to lose." I stated an walked out of the room as the bell rang.

Nice going Ken. Now what do you plan on doing how that you've got yourself into this?

Win. I'm going to win.

How Dare You Call Me Romeo (Harry Styles AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang