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What was he doing here? I thought I had escaped him years ago. "Harry can we please go somewhere else?"

"Why I thought you wanted to go here." he said curiously.

"There's, um, someone here I never wanted to see again." I said quietly.

"All I see is Mr. Troy standing by the door."

"Exactly!" I hissed. "Look we need to get away. Please."

Harry sighed, "Alright but you'll have to tell me why you're avoiding Mr. Troy."

"I will." I grabbed his hand an pulled him in the opposite direction toward Pizza Palace.

"Pizza?" he grinned.

"I like pizza is that a crime?" I asked placing my hands on my hips.

"Not at all. I like a girl with good taste." he winked.

"Harry we're just here as friends." I warned.

"Trust me I know. Now let's get in and have a seat so you can start explaining." he opened the door and motioned for me to precede him in.

When we were seated at a table with drinks and food ordered Harry turned to me and clasped his hands together in top of the table. "Alright time to explain. Why were you running from Me. Troy?"

"He's my father." I whispered.

His eyebrows raised slightly, "Alright so he's your father what does that have to do with you avoiding him like he's the plague?"

"About six years ago my parents divorced. My mom and dad fought over me for nearly a year after that. When they took the custody battle to court I was asked which parent I would rather go with. I told them neither and it was settled. I chose to go with Angeline's family who had kindly taken me in.

"After that day in court I never saw either of my parents again. Honestly they disgust me. They tried to use me to hurt the other and I couldn't be a part of that. I never want to see my father again and I thought being here would help with that but it has just brought me all the closer to him." I ended with a heavy sigh.

"So you're going to just keep running from your parents? What if they want to make all that up to you?" he asked.

"Yes, I don't want to ever have to talk to them again. As for them wanting to make it up to me, that's a complete joke. They don't care about me, they only care about getting back at each other."

"Don't be so sure. You only have so long with your parents. Cherish that time." he said quietly, sadly?

I was about to respond but our food came and my hunger overrules my need to know what he was talking about. As we ate I did my best to eat as neatly as I could, Naturally that meant I had sauce all over my hands and my face.

This wasn't a date but that didn't mean I couldn't want to seem neat. Therefor I was constantly whipping my hands and mouth. I knew I looked a mess but I couldn't help it. When I was hungry, I was hungry!

Harry began chuckling, "Ken you have some..." he made a smudging motion at the corner of his mouth.

My cheeks immediately colored and I put the last bit of pizza in my mouth and covered it with a napkin. That is so embarrassing. I swallowed, "Oh my god that is so embarrassing I'm sorry you had to see that."

He slicked me by smiling and saying, "Don't worry about it. We're just here as friends right?"

I nodded even as I felt my eyes widen in surprise. Harry wasn't flirting and this was actually becoming an enjoyable time. I smiled at the thought then quickly shook my head. I could agree that he wasn't that bad, then he would win. This all had to be an act in order to get that date. That thought clouded over the small ray of happiness I had felt in his presence and I frowned at him.

"Are you ready to go?" I asked pulling my wallet out of my purse to pay for my food.

"Don't worry it's on me." Harry said giving the waitress several pounds.

"Harry you didn't have to do that I have enough money to pay for my own food." I felt my frown deepen.

"You can pay next time." he said with a smile. "We'll take turns."

I rolled my eyes with a laugh, "What are we in preschool?"

"Do you wanna be? I'm pretty sure I have some rope we can both hang onto so we don't get separated and lost." he winked playfully.

I couldn't help myself and laughed loudly the rest of the way back to my dorm. When we reached my room I quieted down and smiled at Harry. "This was fun." I said.

"So are you admitting that I'm not all bad?" he asked.

"I haven't decided yet. There is still so much to you I'm not sure what to think yet." With that I opened my door to go back in my room.

"Wait." Harry said quickly. "Can we do this again?"

I looked him over and gave home a hesitant smile, "I'll think about it,"

Finally back in my room I flopped onto my bed with a groan. Harry had been chivalrous throughout the entire date and had even made me laugh. He had opened doors for me and paid for dinner. Who ever said chivalry was dead? The problem was that chivalry was meant for dates and this wasn't a date.

Oh, how I wanted it to have been though.

How Dare You Call Me Romeo (Harry Styles AU)Where stories live. Discover now