Thirty One

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"Niall? What are you doing here?" I asked.

A small little cough brought my attention to the small brunet hanging on his arm. "I was just going for a walk with Kayla." he nodded toward the girl.

I crossed my arms, "I never took you for a flower garden kind of guy." I said a bit accusingly.

"I'm not. I'm a seclusion kind of guy and that kind of seclusion just happens to be in a flower garden. Could you give us some privacy?" he asked as he nodded at the bench.

"No, I was here first and I'm sure as hell not leaving."

"Really? Harry is going to be here soon? Weren't you avoiding him since the bet was cancelled. You wouldn't want want to see him with someone else now would you?" he smirked.

"What the fuck do I care? He means nothing to me."

"Yeah about as much as sex means to me." he scoffed.

"You're a pig! How can you even live with yourself?" I turned around and stormed off in a huff.

I hadn't wanted Niall to win at his little game but I knew if I had stayed there one more second I probably would have choked him, or Kayla. As I walked out of the garden I walked right into someone.

All too familiar arms wrapped around me, keeping me vertical. "Harry let me go!" I insisted.

"No, I believe that we need to talk." he said with a kind of finality in his voice that could only know that he knew I would be leaving the garden.

"You set me up!" I screamed as I struggled in his grip.

"That's really not the point of this, now is it?" he said while throwing me over his shoulder in a fireman's carry.

"Harry, put me down! Where do you think that you're taking me?"

"Somewhere you'll talk to me."

"You are never going to find somewhere that I'll speak with you. I'm sick of lying assholes who trick people and lie to get what they want."

My feet touched the ground and I began beating on his chest. "Kendall, stop it. I never lied to you and I never tricked you."

"Oh, I see, and getting me out of the garden was just an accident? How did you even know that I was in there?"

"Okay, that wasn't an accident, but come on Kendall. We do need to talk. I tried earlier today but you pushed me away and wouldn't listen. Why do you always push people out of your life?"

I felt my face fall. Was that all I did was push those who were closest to me away? "I'll give you ten minutes." I said with a groan.

"You really are absolutely unreasonable aren't you?"

"Excuse me? I gave you time to talk to me about what you needed to. I did not agree to stand here while you belittle me!"

"That wasn't belittling, it was... Telling the truth. How can I possibly say what I need to in simply ten minutes. We rally need to talk Kendall and I mean a proper talk."

I paced a bit, "I don't see what we need to talk about. Its not like we truly have anything to say to one another."

"You've got to be kidding me! I have plenty to say to you Kendall. Like why you've been playing with me? How can you call me the player when this whole time you've just been dragging me along like a pup on a leash. I can't do anything anymore without thinking about you! I want to know what you've done and what right you have to judge others for what you do as well." He threw his arms in the air.

How Dare You Call Me Romeo (Harry Styles AU)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя