Twenty Eight

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My alarm went off three hours later causing me to groan as I rolled out of bed and right into the floor. Why did mornings have to be so early in the morning?

"Kendall get up! You're going to make us late for the last week of classes." Angeline complained as she tossed a pillow at me.

"I don't want to go!" I grumbled and buried my face into my pillow once more.

My blanket flew off of me, "Lets go sleeping beauty."

"Thank you for noticing but this beauty is indeed sleeping."

"Don't make me kiss you awake." she warned.

That was not an idle threat either. Angeline did it when we were kids, it was the cheek but it freaked me out and got me up. At this point I didn't think it was going to be the cheek this time around.

I sat up, "Alright miss grouchy, I'm up."

Standing up I took my time while cracking my back to loosen it up and walked to the closet where I dressed in the usual uniform. Only five more days and I would have my high school diploma.

I smiled as I finished dressing and tying my hair up, "Can you believe that we're about to graduate?" I let out a giddy laugh.

I saw her shake her head through the mirror, "I don't think I'll ever believe it. But we won't graduate if we don't get to our history exam!"

Her hand grasped my wrist in a tight hold and yanked me out our door. Soon we were dashing across campus, racing against the clock to our exam room.

"Did I ever mention that I hate you?" I managed between gasps.

"Why would you ever say that?" she chuckled with annoyingly even breaths.

"Fuck. You." the words gritted past my teeth.

"You have to catch me first!" She laughed again as she picked up speed and sprinted to the exam building.

We made it just as the bell rang and thankfully were not locked out if the exam.

It was a three hour exam and by the end of it I was feeling beyond restless. My legs were jumping from inactivity and my fingers kept twitching from the nervousness. Finally the bell rang, releasing us from the test.

A loud roar of thousands of cheers sounded and students rushed out if the exam buildings to spend the rest of their day however they pleased. One thing I can say is that I loved the school's exam schedule. Five exams, one exam per day, and then the rest of the day was yours.

"What do you want to do for the rest of the day?" I asked Angeline as we walked out of the building.

Her eyes traveled to the bench outside the building, "I think you might have someone else to spend time with." she smiled and nudged me.

"What are you," my words were cut short as my eyes fell on, the ever yummy, Blake Tanner waiting for me.

I felt all the moisture leave my mouth as my eyes traveled over him. How had I not recognized him, even in the dark of the night he stood out with his ruggedly handsome good looks. I forced myself to swallow before the moisture returned and I began drooling. I still wasn't sure how I had managed to hook a guy that sweet.

"Maybe I do." I whispered back.

Angeline smiled and let go, "I'll see you later and will expect details." she chuckled as she walked away but then threw back over her shoulder, "Make sure to use protection!"

"Angeline!" I yelled back.

"Maybe we will maybe we won't." Blake's voice called out from behind me.

I could hear Angeline's laugh float back to us through the breeze. At least he had made her laugh, she may not be too hard on him.

"Sorry about her," I said turning around to face him. "Is it socially acceptable for me to drool over my own boyfriend?"

He chuckled, a deep sound as rich as chocolate, "Absolutely." he laid a quick kiss on my cheek and I nearly swooned.

"Then I will need a napkin." I said with a smiled.

His arm wrapped around my shoulders as he walked me toward my dorm, "How about lunch together?" he asked.

"That sounds amazing." I smiled up at him.

"Kendall?" I heard Harry's voice from beyond my cloud of happiness.

Snapping out if my Blake trance I looked around to see Harry standing outside my dorm room. "Hello Harry," I said nervously.

"I, uh, was looking for you. I can see you're busy though." a dejected look crossed his face as he averted his gaze from Blake and I.

I stepped out from under Blake's arm as I stared at him. He was still dressed in his uniform which seemed to make him look older and more professional, a look at the man he would grow to become.

"Blake can you please give us a moment." I turned to Blake, "We won't talk long and then I will run into my dorm and change. You can run to your dorm in the meantime and get ready as well." I smiled.

He nodded and pressed a kiss to my cheek before sending a stiff nod to Harry. When he was out of earshot I I turned back to Harry.

"You're going on a date with Blake Tanner?" he asked.

I nodded, "We started going out last night."

"So you had already turned your back on me when you came to talk to me?"

"No, we started going out after that."

"If you liked him then why agree to the bet Kendall? Why come to my room last night green with envy? You make no sense whatsoever Kendall Knight. One moment I'm sure you have feelings for me and the next I believe that you're simply pulling my leg. I hope you get everything you ever dreamed of with Tanner. Goodbye Kendall Knight" his hand rested on my shoulder before he walked off.

"Well shit," I muttered.

I hope you liked the chapter. I believe the book will only have a few more chapters but we will see. I love you all and don't forget to comment and heart.

How Dare You Call Me Romeo (Harry Styles AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz