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The next day I woke up to my alarm clock blasting Ke$ha singing 'Tick Tock'. I got up and danced and sung to the music for a while. When the song ended I flung myself on Angeline's bed expecting to land on her. Instead all I landed on was a bouncy mattress.

My eyes widened. Where was she? Her being gone was definitely not good. She was hurting which meant she was angry and that spelled trouble for anyone who got in her way, especially Niall.

I knew there was one place she always went when she was pissed. I had to find her before she did something she would regret.

Running to my closet I threw on a pair of sweatpants and a OSU shirt a friend back home had given me. I had to get to the wrestling room. If I was correct Angeline would be working out there along with a shit ton of guys. Eventually one of them would question her presence and she would defend her right to be there. That meant kicking some ass.

It took me ten minutes to get to the wrestling room. Why did it have to be on the other fucking end of campus?! This was way too much running for me lately. I was going to have to make a date with my butt and the couch in the lounge soon.

I burst into the wrestling room only to find Angeline already going at it with someone. My eyes widened when I realized just who that someone was. Angeline threw Niall onto his back and tried to pin him but he pushed himself up.

They collided again in a mesh of limbs. I couldn't be sure where his skin and her's began. They were so into their little battle that they hadn't even realized that I had entered the room. None of the guys had for that matter.

"Angeline what are you doing?" I shrieked feeling panicked. I could see the murderous glint lighting up her eyes. She was going to maim him.

"Teach this ass a lesson that's what I'm doing." she growled back.

"Teaching me a lesson huh? Seems more to me that I'm handing your ass to you King." Niall found out.

"Really? I seem to be getting a drastically different impression Horan."

"Niall don't instigate her or she will kill you," I tried warning him.

He merely chuckled darkly, "As if she could manage that. She's just a girl. She thinks she's stronger than all the other girls but she's wrong. She's just weak like all of them."

Angeline's eyes widened at his words. Never had anyone called her weak while fighting her. I saw hurt cloud her eyes before anger took over. Her limbs slackened along with her iron grip. In a second Niall had her down and pinned.

A smirk plastered on his face he leaned down a bit, "Just like a said... weak. Its over." he stated. "Pity I thought you'd put up more of a fight."

Angeline laid there seething for a moment. "Get. Off."

"It seems I've won." he announced a he stood up and faced the boys watching from the sideline. He turned his back to her, bad idea.

Planting her palms flat on the mat she used them to propel her leg up into the air. With a loud thud her feet connected with the middle of his back sending him to his knees. one her feet now she spun on one leg Throwing her foot into the side of Niall's head. He crumpled to the mat, unconscious.

"I'll teach you to call me weak." Finally she slammed the heel of her foot into his stomach and punched him in the left eye.

"Let's go Angeline."

"One sec." she turned to the guys standing there. "Make sure he knows what happened." she barked.

They all jumped back a step and nodded frantically. I swore I saw the head of the school's wrestling team cowering in the back. That was my Angel, putting fear into even the strongest opponents minds.

Turning back to me I could still see the pain in her eyes that she was trying to mask with fury. "Let's go. I'm done here."

When we finally reached the quad Angeline slumped next to a tree, testing her back against it. "I can't believe what just happened."

"That you just beat Niall's ass?"

"No, I don't ducking care about that."


"Yes, I meant ducking. Get over it. I can't believe that he called me weak. Usually he's one of the ones on the sides cheering me on while I fought with other guys. He always looked happy when I won. But now he just... he's just like all the rest now." she said miserably.

I sat next to her, "Like I said last night. He's not worth the pain you feel. If he was then what happened back there would have never happened. He's only going to get in your head if you let him."

"That's the problem Kendall. I want him in my head. I don't care about what happened last night because I still like him. Well, I do care but it didn't stop my feelings. That's what hurts. I know that even when he breaks my heart I can't stop liking him and that makes me angry with myself." she fisted some grass and yanked the roots free of the soil.

I sighed. "I know it's not easy."

She laughed without humor, "What do you know about how I feel? All the guys you liked asked you out. They never broke it off, you did. They never tore your heart out and walked all over like you didn't matter. You know nothing about how I feel!" She spat at me.

"Just, shut up Angeline!" I yelled at her, "You know you don't have it bad. He can only hurt you if you let him. Pick your fucking ass up off the ground and forget him! Stop moping an whining. This isn't you so start acting like an emotionless badass again. You aren't emotionless but at least then you didn't let a guy rule your life. Grow some damn balls and man up girl!"

"I hate it when you're right." she muttered.

I smiled, "I'm sorry what was that? I couldn't hear you."


"And never forget it. And that's the bitch to you." I said sassily.

"If you're the bitch then I'm Queen Bitch." she chuckled.

"There's Angeline!" I cheered.

She rolled her eyes, "Whatever. Let's get up my ass is getting wet."

"Mine too. Why the hell do they water grass? Doesn't it get enough with all the rain here?" I complained as we stood up.

"YOU BITCH!" we heard a holler from across the quad.

We turned and saw Niall running toward us with Harry by his side. "I suggest we run." Angeline said.

"But I've already run too much for the rest of the year." I whined.

"Too bad I'm probably already in enough trouble for beating the shit out of Niall. I could hold my own against both of them but I don't need any more trouble." she grabbed my hand and took off, dragging me along.

Harry and Niall were hot on our heels. Angeline always drug me into these situations. Why did I stay friends with her? Situations with her always led to running, no wonder I never gain weight.

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