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Ciel: Mama! Papa!

Vincent: What is it Ciel?

Ciel: I made a drawing with Alexis! It's of You, me, Mama, Alexis, and Diedrich!

Vincent: Even Diedrich?

Ciel: Yeah!

Alexis: I like it. It's adorable isn't it?

Vincent: Yes it is. Rachel?

Rachel: What is it Darling?

Vincent: Look at this picture. Don't you just love it?

Rachel: Of course. Oh Ciel. It looks so pretty!

Ciel: I want to put it in your room.

Rachel: Oh! Well why not?

Alexis: I couldn't help but laugh at how he drew Diedrich. The sandwich in his mouth is just perfect.

They all laugh a tiny bit and head to put it in Mr and Mrs.Phantomhive's room. They would remember it for as long as they could.

Sebastian: Mommy! *cough* I feel hot!

Liana: Oh not another fever! You get it from your father. Being able to get sick so easily. Let's get you in bed.

She takes Sebastian to bed and gets Lucifer to come in as well.

Lucifer: How many times have you gotten sick this year. I swear you get sick once a month. It's like your schedule.

Sebastian: Daddy!

Lucifer: Haha. I'm just kidding.

Liana: Try to get some rest and we'll get you some soup.

-Next Day-

Sebastian was getting a lot worse. Nothing they did helped so they had to go to the doctor's office.

Dr.Gakupo: Your son seems to be suffering from an illness called "Thorns of Death".

Liana: That doesn't make any sense!

Lucifer: He doesn't fall into that group! He's not that type.

Dr.Gakupo: He must be special then. It would be a miracle if he survived.

Lucifer got up and held Gakupo to the wall by the collar.

Liana: Lucifer!

Sebastian: Daddy!

Lucifer: Don't you dare say anything like that about my son again. I'll murder you without a second thought.

Dr.Gakupo: I see why your name is Lucifer. You're demonic.

Liana: Come on Hon. Let's go.

They exit the doctor's office and head back home. Liana and Lucifer were fighting while Sebastian was in his room. Instead of crying, he was smiling.

Sebastian: You know I used to be afraid of things like. I always though of you as tiny little beasts, but you're actually quite adorable. I shall name you...


Sebastian: I know, I know. Weird right?

He spent everyday talking to that spider. His new friend.

Alois: Hey Luka!

Luka: What is it big brother!?

Alois: I found Phantomhive!

Luka: Lord Phantomhive!?

Alois: Mhm! Look! He's with some hot lady!

Luka: Brother!

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