The Faustus Family Is Weird

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Claude: I have an announcement for the three of you.

Alexis: What is it, Master?

Claude: My family is coming over again. Sebastian.

Sebastian: Yes?

Claude: This will be your first time meeting them which is why I called them over. After I give you all your orders I'd like to speak to you in private. Understand?

Sebastian: Yes Master.

Claude: Alexis, you shall pick the flowers for my sister. I had promised her that I'd give her the flowers she wanted. I decided to make it special by planting them. Once you're bring them to me. Anna, you will prepare the food for our guests. Alexis will help you she is done with her other chore. I will be taking Sebastian out with me to pick up my family members. I promised to. Now get on with it!

Anna & Alexis: Yes sir!

Anna and Alexis go off to do what they're told while Claude goes to the living room to talk to Sebastian.

Claude: Do you know why I brought you here to talk.

Sebastian: Not really.

Claude: It's because I wanted to tell you about my family. They're a bit weird.

Sebastian: How weird could they be?

Claude: One of my sisters likes to touch inappropriately just to see my reaction.

Sebastian: Is it like incest?

Claude: Exactly. My little sister never leaves me alone. She's cute but annoying.

Sebastian: Like every younger sister I know.

Claude: I also have a twin brother who keeps telling that I have to choose between one of my maids. He keeps telling me that they are head-over-heels in love with me, which I know, and that I should just make one of them my wife. My dad says the same thing.

Sebastian: What about your mom?

Claude: When you see her you should expect to see about 5 girls with her.

Sebastian: Why?

Claude: Because she wants to help me become a husband and tries to find a wife for me. I've already found that person though.

Sebastian: Oh?

Claude: Guess who it is?

Sebastian: Who?

Claude: You.

Sebastian blushes. Before he could say anything there was a knock on the door.

Sebastian: Please excuse me.

Sebastian goes to the door to find a man he had hoped he'd never meet again.

??: HELLO SEBAS-CHAN. Did you miss me!? I bet you did!!!

Sebastian: Not in the slightest. What are you doing here Grell?

Grell: I CAME TO SEE YOU! Also, why are you wearing a dress?

Sebastian: I'm not answering that until you tell me how you came back. William likes to keep an eye on you doesn't he?

Grell: I was able to get away from him to see you! Now, answer my question. Why are you wearing a dress?

Sebastian sees something in the distance and slams the door shut.

Grell: Huh?

Grell looks behind him to see William.


William says nothing as he drags Grell by his scalp.


Claude: Who was that?

Sebastian: You don't want to know.

Claude: Anyway, let's get going. They're gonna get pretty angry if I don't get there soon.

-Time Skip-

Claude and Sebastian come back with 5 members of Claude's family.

Mia: Hey Claude. How's it been going? Did your maids hurt you? Don't worry. I can kiss you all better.

Claude: I'd rather you not.

Clause: Shut up Mia! One of these maids are going to be his soulmate .

Mia: They better not! They shouldn't even dare to touch my precious Claude! He's my brother! MY BROTHER!

Clause: Our brother!

Emily: Claude! Claude! Claude!

Claude: Hello Emily. Did you learn how to draw the flower I was telling you about?

Emily: Yes! I even learned how to do other flowers!

Claude: Good!

Sebastian: May I introduce myself?

Claude: Oh right! Everybody! This is my new maid Sebastian Michaelis.

Clause: Oh so that's what brother likes.

Claude: What's that supposed to mean!

Mr.Faustus: You like men.

Claude: Tch! Can't you at least say hello to him!

Mrs.Faustus: Hello Sebastian. Very nice to meet you. I don't believe the whole thing about my son liking men. Which is why I brought him 3 women.

They were absolutely beautiful but Claude didn't seem interested in any of them.

Mr.Faustus: Sebastian Michaelis. You do look quite cute in that outfit. I think you would make a perfect bride for my son.

Sebastian: I'm not-

Clause: I'm Clause. People get me and Claude confused all the time. Can you spot the difference?

After taking a closer look he could see the difference. It was...

Sebastian Your personality!

Clause: Very good job. You see, Claude is the stoic one. He shows no emotion unless it's around someone he cares about. I'm the happy one. I don't really care for being emotionless. It's hard.

Sebastian: I guess he was just born that way.

Mia: That's what makes him attractive.

Clause walks up to Sebastian and whispers to him.

Clause: You look fucking sexy in that outfit. I just wanna take you right now. If you and Claude don't work out than how about you come to someone like me.

Sebastian blushes darkly and Claude growls.

Mia: You can have him. Anyway, my name is Mia. You better not even think to TOUCH my darling brother! IF YOU DO I'LL SLICE YOU IN HALF!

Sebastian: Noted.

Emily: H-hi. My name is Emily. What is yours?

Sebastian: Sebastian.

Emily: Sebastian!

Sebastian: Mhm!

Claude: Let's make sure we leave a good impression on him. Okay?

None of them answered. Emily was clinging onto Claude. Mia and Clause were tearing each others hair out. Mrs. Faustus was apologizing to the now crying women. Mr.Faustus was laughing in the corner.

Sebastian sighed.

'This is going to be a long day'

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