Meet Mr and Mrs.Faustus

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Claude: Promise me to not let Clause touch you so inappropriately again.

Sebastian: I apologize. He offered to give me a massage. I didn't think he'd actually try to do it with me.

Claude: Well it's over now. You might feel even more uncomfortable around my parents.

Sebastian: What might they do?

Claude: My mother is just gonna talk to you about very private stuff about me and my father is just gonna talk about if you and I have settled yet.

Sebastian: Why did I think this weirdness would be over?

Claude: No idea.

They arrive at the room that Claude's parents were staying in. They walk in and and see something they shouldn't have.

Mrs.Faustus:  AHH YEAH BABY!

Mr.Faustus: Fuck. You're so fucking sexy.

Claude: MOM! DAD!


Mr and Mrs.Faustus: Eh!

Mrs.Faustus: Oh I apologize dearly!

Mr.Faustus: When you're a couple you need to take care of your sexual frustrations and we just couldn't help ourselves.

Claude: Whatever! Put some clothes on a talk to Sebastian. I'm going. I can't bear to see you two right now. Disgusting!

Claude leaves and his parents get dressed.

Mr.Faustus: So how are you and Claude.

Sebastian: Oh master and I are doing fine.

Mr.Faustus: What about sex? I've heard that he's done it with you a couple times. I even heard it earlier.

Sebastian: WHAAAT!?

Mrs.Faustus: You're making him uncomfortable. Please excuse him. Anyway, Claude hasn't actually done it with anyone. If you would tell me what kind of girl he's into I would most appreciate it. I've been told that you know what Claude likes.

Sebastian: Well he's actually into guys. He's actually had sex with me a couple of times.



Sebastian: Um. Usually it's just punishment, but when he does it feels so good. His cock is so huge and it feels so good thrusting in and ou-

Sebastian stops mid-sentence. He sees both of Claude's parents becoming lightheaded from a nosebleed.

Sebastian: Sorry. I should just stop.


Sebastian: Wait! Anna and Alexis told me that he fucked them too.

Mrs.Faustus: That never happened. We would know. He shows signs and we've seen them too. It's whenever he thinks about dominating someone. And now he's actually done it.

Mr.Faustus: We've definitely seen the signs.

Sebastian: Oh. I'm...his first?

Mrs.Faustus: Yep!

Sebastian blushes. He was the first to be pleasured by Claude in such a way.

-Time Skip-

Claude comes and gets Sebastian. Sebastian starts to ask Claude the question since it's been on his mind for a while.

Sebastian: Claude, have you ever fucked Anna or Alexis?

Claude: WHAT NO!

Sebastian: I was just asking. Anna and Alexis told me that you have before.

Claude: This happens all the time. It was my brother Clause. They always get us mixed up.

Sebastian: Oh! I guess that makes sense. I recall them saying it was for-oh.

Claude: You get it now?

Sebastian: Yeah.

Claude: Well it's time for the last one. Luckily she's innocent.

Sebastian: i hope she won't make me feel uncomfortable like the other four.

Claude: Don't worry. When the day has been shit you can rely on Emily to either make it shittier or better.

Sebastian: Haha.

They arrive at her door.

Claude: You'll be fine. Trust me.

Sebastian: Okay. Let's go in.

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