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"hay guys it's louis the tommo tomlinson god i haven't said that in years. and ummm im here with my soon to be husband harry styles" i said hugging harry's side. "and today we will be doing the boyfriend tag. so how this works we both tweeted out send us questions about our relationship things like 'how long have we been together' or 'what was the exact day we met' stuff like that. then we created hashtags called #ForLouis and #ForHarry. we picked out our favorites the ones that stood out the most and even some people that has already been shouted out. we have 2 hats one is a pastel pink hat...harry and the other one is a blue doncaster hat because why not." i handed harry the blue hat then soon he handed over the pastel one. 

"okay harry...what do i like...girls who like carrots or girls with lambo's?" he face palmed "both" he answered. "correct" he dug threw the hat until he found one. "oh my god louis who picked these out?" "just get on with it" i said. "okay louis... how old were we when we had sex for the first time" i laughed as hard as i could. "hahahaha oh my god i knew that would be the one...anyways...i was 18 and you were 16...and we were in a hotel because we didn't want to do it when everyone was home." i laughed he blushed


i uploaded the video.

"babe" harry walked in in a night gown. "hay baby" i said in return. he sat on my lap facing me. "you know the kids are with niall for the night. we should do something like something that keeps mick up all night" he started kissing me deeply. 


"i'm gonna make you so good" he said pulling off my shirt then my pants along with my boxers. he took my full length in his mouth. he bobbed his head up and down. i moaned softly grabbing a hold onto his short curls. he removed his mouth and pulled down the pastel pink lacey panties. but he didn't let me put on the condom he just started riding me. his moans like music to my ears. "i-i'm g-gonn-" i accidentally blew my load in his arse. "oh my god harry we need to get you to the hospital you might have an STD" i said pulling my pants up. but he grabbed my hands. "louis...i went to the hospital today before we shot the video and they said i could...i could have babies" he said. oh my god he can have kids. yay. "omg harry so their could be a new baby being made in there?" i said excitedly. he nodded rubbing his belly. i couldn't help but lift up the gown kissing up and down his belly. "I'M GONNA BE A BLOOD FATHER!" i shouted. "lou you are a blood father we have freddie remember?" he asked "i know but this baby will be with the one i love"

-6 months later-


it was melody's first birthday party and i was pregnant with twins. but louis only thinks it's one baby. i bought melody a little shirt that said 'Big Sister Of 2 Boy's January' i think its cute. my hair grew back to were i could put it up in a bun but i just wanted to let my long hair to flow. "ma-ma?" the 1 year old asked "yes baby girl" "i ba-bys g-going to ate me" the little girl asked. "i doubt it your going to be 1 year older then them so you might become friends like you and freddie did" i said picking up the small curly headed girl. "b-but me's can memer when me a-an big bu-bu meet" she said as i pinned the pink ribbon on her shirt. "well we'll wait and see what happens. okay you know the plan right?" i asked the small girl. she nodded. 

we decided that we would do the gender reveal the same day as mels birthday. sadly freddie was tooken away from us because he was in danger from jungleworm. bitch. anyways we still get to see him but until she is caught freddie stays with a cute little family that he enjoys having fun with. he seems more happy there.

me and louis are now officially married and happy together. i set out my new album out a couple of months ago, and so did louis and niall. liam is just enjoying being a father. zayn is making good progress with his stuff and im proud of him. 

the boy who lost his mum (larry stylinson)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt