12/7/16 the death of Jay

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Ok listen to the song i linked for yall throughout the story it blends in with the plot
It was already a bad day for me. My mum was in the hospital and my management couldn't allow me to visit harry. I miss how he could make a conversation out of anything. I miss his laugh when nothing was really funny. I miss his terrible jokes that he did on stage. I miss seeing him at home making us tea.

Yeah we still Face Time but its not the same as seeing him in person. Were going in different directions which the whole point of one direction is going in one direction. Niall was working on his solo album. Liam was about to experience fatherhood. I was working on my music. And harry was modeling and he was going to be in a movie.

My mum was fighting a rare case of blood cancer she is being so strong. I love my mum so so so much. She is my everything if i didn't have a mum like her i wouldn't be here today. I would still be working at Toys R Us stalking albums of a 3 member band trying to sneak one so i could hear harrys voice.

My management made me date a young American woman named Daniel. Shes pretty but my heart belongs to Harold Edward Styles i love him soo much and he loves me.

I was going to the x factor to do rehearsals for my performance dedicated to my mum until i got a phone call from the hospital. I gulped and weakly said "hello" "hello is louis tomlinson there" the lady said gasping for air. "Speaking" i said with a pounding feeling in my chest "come to the hospital now its your mother".

My heart stopped
I got to the hospital as quickly as possible. I finally ran up to the front desk and said "um hi im louis tomlinson where's my mum" a woman named deb looked at me trying not to cry saying "room 201".

I was in a rush so i took the stares. I finally got to the room and i wish i didn't open the door all i could here was short beeping sounds coming from the huddled doctors surrounding her. "Whats going on" i said in a worried tone of voice "I'm so sorry we did all we could do shes going to die in about 2 hours".

"Louis" a sweet voice said. "Mum?" i said with my eyes soaked in tears. "I love you soo much take care of your sisters for me ok" she took her last breath and then all i could here was a long high pitched beep.

______________________________________so that was my first chapter of my first fanfic so sorry it was so short its like 11:17 pm here all the lobe

the boy who lost his mum (larry stylinson)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt