a proposal

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me and steve have been talking about our gigs and where they should be. i know we only have one song but its the most important song in my life. any ways you dont want to know that, me and harry on the other hand have been well.......fighting. he wants me and him to come out but i still haven't built up the gut to. he needs to understand that these things take time for some people even years.

so today was the day im taking harry out for dinner bringing the ring and im going to propose.

harrys pov 

louis told me to go to a restaurant called the ledbury and i pray to god he apologizes hes such a dick he wont listen. i do every thing for him i love him so much but he needs to be a man about this. but maybe im hurting him maybe im the dick maybe he wants to say goodbye to me tonight.


the night of the break up at least i think i dont know i have been a jerk to louis maybe for the best though. i walk into the car seeing a dressed up louis with a big smile on his face he looks happy did he wanna break my heart....ouch.

"hay are you excited our first date in about 3 weeks" he said with his happy smol bean look on his face. damn hes cute "what yeah im totally excited" i lied. "harrold are you are you ok?" he questioned. "IM OK LOUIS!!!" i yelled with tears starting to form on my face. we havent even left the drive way yet and this date is the worst date i have ever been on.

"i-i-m s-sorry l-lou i c-cant d-do t-this" i pouted jumping out of the car. "HARRY" louis yelled chasing me to the front of my house. i slamed the door open not bothering to close it and ran up stairs. trying to find some were to hide. but louis knows me to well so i stopped running. i was caught "harrold what was that" he said out of breath "you w-were going t-to break u-up w-with me i k-know you w-were" i said wiping the tears away. "no baby i would never do that to you and even if i was going to break up with you i wouldn't do it like this i would wait until you were ready for a break" he said walking over to me. 

"babe i love you so much and i want you to know that" he got on one knee "i know we have been fighting a lot but what relationship doesn't harry i want to be more than just boyfriends i want to be husbands." he pulled out a ring out of his pocket "harry edward styles will you marry me?" he said looking at me straight in the eyes "yes yes yes a million times yes" he jumped up to hug me than pecked small kisses on my cheeks and lips.

"shall we my soon-to-be husband" he said holding out "we shall" i said as we walked back to the car.

*fin* no no just kidding hi im back and i know these chapters are really short but i like them so far leave your suggestions down in the comments below and maybe vote that would be cool if you followed me so you know when i post a new story i might be working on one called "the daughter of one direction"  who knows any ways see ya next time.

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