However, this was without counting on the excited appearance of Eva as she suddenly rushed at me jumping on my back before throwing her arm on my shoulders as we ended up joining the group. «Guess who's invited to party with the Penetrators guys? "

Eva let me go as she showed her phone to the girls making me frown since I was not really aware of this festive event before giving a confused look at Noora.

The blonde looked at Eva's screen before handing her phone back, giving me a smile as Vilde rushed in excitement. "That's so great, Eva! Oh my god, William will come. "

"Penetrator party at Borkis' on Friday." Chris read aloud over Eva's shoulder before continuing with a slight amused chuckle. "Can you bring some friends? Are they hot ?"

I gave a puzzled look at Eva since she was in a couple unlike the girls who exclaimed in excitement. Eva soon noticed my expression giving me a somewhat guilty look before Sana called us.

" Relax. Try to be cool. "

"We have to get alcohol." Vilde instantly made me confuse a little more.

Chris nodded her head in agreement before taking out her phone in action. "I'll ring the beer man. "

"Someone else?" Vilde asked, staring at Sana immediately collecting the annoyed expression of the latter.

"Are you looking at me? Do I look like I drink ? " Replied the brunette frankly to the tanned skin making me wrinkle my lips in tension.

"I don't drink either." Noora added with a nod before giving me a knowing sideways look.

I shrugged my shoulders as I turned to Vilde and gave her a desolate look. " Neither do I. For obvious reasons. "

"I can take some wine from my mom." Eva suggested making me give her a new look.

I had not really thought about party bonds when I had agreed to be on the bus and to be honest, I was not sure it was my scene. I had never been to a party to begin with but I was almost certain that it would not match my expectations of fun.

After all what could be of interest to me when I did not drink or hang with the first boy come ?

"Aren't you going to have problems with that ?" I asked, turning to Eva in the slightest concern since I could not really imagine going behind my parents' back to steal alcohol from them.

I was the perfect example of a little girl to dad and mom but I did not really care. I was wise and then?

Vilde, however, seemed more ecstatic than I to Eva's proposal. "Can you? Can we share? I can pay if you want. I can not take my mom. Her wine is so expensive. So she puts it- "

"Shut up. " Sana interrupted her, squeezing my teeth at her coarse words while Vilde stared at her gapingly. "You talk to much. "

" Excuse me ?"

Sana continued to interrupt the blonde every time she tried to speak before moving away, leaving Vilde to turn to us once she was out of our sight. "Seriously, she can't be in our bus group. She's completely psycho. "

Chris soon brought her phone to her ear, letting me raise an eyebrow that was still quite confused as to what was going on. "Beer man. Yes please ... and a hundred boys! Do we have to pay? We have a friend her, who's called Vilde, if she maybe can flash? So we don't get to pay ... »

I shared an amused look with Noora at our friend's madness before leaving a slight chuckle as Chris suggested that Noora could do it before calling for the beer man by asking him if he was in jail.

The purest - Chris Schistad #WattPrideWhere stories live. Discover now