Chapter 4 《Nico》

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Why in Hades name are they here? And Percy  has the audacity to to tell me to greet my friends properly! Unbelievable!

I sat Bianca down in her chair at the new table we picked and sat down in mine. Spencer and Jesse looked at me weirdly while Bianca coloured.

"Those are the people from my camp," I said. Spencer looked angry and looked like she wanted to shove her dagger down one of their throats.

Spencer was a demigod too, daughter of Bellona and legacy of Zeus. I had given her a dagger and had given Jesse a necklace that turns into a sword. There were hardly any monster attacks in this tiny town. There was at least one or two in three months, and Hades gifted us with Celestial Bronze phones, he claimed as monster proof.

"Why those little fu-,"she said but was cut off by Jesse.


"Sorry. . . It's just. . .I can't even put it into words about how much I want hurt them," she said. We laughed at her and we looked at the menu. We placed our orders and sat and talked. Bianca asked for us to help her colour and our conversation turned from murdering those imbeciles to what colour the unicorn should be. It turned into Spencer, Jesse and I arguing over it while Bianca sat there and laughed at us. When she suddenly stopped and looked scared I asked her what was wrong.

"One of those people who we saw at the other table is coming to us," she said. I looked in the direction of where she was pointing and saw Will coming towards us. He came to a stop at our table and smiled at us.

"What do you want Solace," I snarled. I really hoped that u wasn't blushing. Jesse and Spencer looked like they were having mixed emotions.

"I just wanted to say sorry about Percy. He didn't mean to be rude," he said.

"It's fine. Honestly. I trust you Will," I said. He smiled even brighter. I put my head down on the table and blushed as a huge smile played on my lips.

"You okay Neeks?," he asked, really concerned. I felt my blush die down and looked back up at him.

"Yeah I'm fine. If you,Hazel or Reyna want to come over later here's my address," I said as I wrote my address down on a napkin. I handed it to him and left saying ,"see you later,then."

When he was out of earshot Jesse and Spencer burster out laughing while Bianca looked  confused.

"Papa who was he?," she asked.

"He's a really good friend of mine," I said while blushing. She looked concerned.

"Papa are you okay? You are turning red," she said which made Jesse and Spencer laugh harder until they were  wheezing. Our food came and they calmed down.

I cut Bianca's cheese toast into smaller pieces and gave it to her while I ate a bowl of creamy chicken pasta. Jesse had ribs with Peri Peri sauce while Spencer has a tomato and basil soup. I saw the other demigods leave while we were halfway through our meals. We talked for a bit until Jesse decided to do something really mature.

She took two fries and made them 'fangs'. She made some vampire appropriate noises which made Bianca giggled. We laughed at the interaction and finished our food. After that I went home alone because Spencer and Jesse insisted on taking Bianca shopping.

When I got home I saw the other demigods standing at my door. I got out of my car and walked up to the door and unlocked it. I had moved out of my dad's mansion and bought a house of my own. Even though I was a celebrity I didn't want to live in a huge mansion. As I walked in I saw the table had all my books and laptop sitting on the dining room table. The rest walked in while I went to the kitchen.

Nico The Angel... [SOLANGELO]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora