Chapter 2

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Leo ran across the camp, all the way to the beach. He ran so fast and with such excitement that he left a trail of smoking and charred ground. He saw his friends up ahead, all sitting on the beach and relaxing.

Leo then skid to a stop in front of them. Panting and trying to catch his breath, he mumbled inaudible nothings.

"Calm down Leo. What's wrong?," Will asked, concerned about the fire user's health.

"You'll never believe what I found and who I found on Facebook!," exclaimed Leo. The Hephaestus cabin had created a monster proof phone, just a few weeks ago and Leo discovered the wonderful app that is Facebook.

"What is it this time," groaned Percy. He pulled Annabeth closer into his embrace," this better be important Valdez, otherwise I'm going to soak you."

Leo cleared his throat and began reading from his phone," Local sensation, Nico di Angelo was spotted coming out yesterday evening at Orchid Orphanage with a little bundle of joy of four years old."

"Oh my gods! Nico! He's alive," Hazel said with years of joy. When Nico disappeared, the group looked everywhere for him. Percy was angry with himself for what he had said. They looked in all the places they thought he'd go to. They even went to the Underworld and begged Hades to give them information on his whereabouts, but Hades just said that he was in a place where he is happy and free of his problems. They all thought that he died. They were heartbroken. Hazel never felt his death, so they had not performed any funeral. And Hazel was right. Her brother was alive.

"You better not be pulling our legs, Valdez," said Frank whilst hugging Hazel.

"I swear on River Styx. I went and looked him up on Facebook and his recent post was of the kid he adopted. He named her Bianca," Leo rushed out and showed them the picture.

"And according to other posts I've seen, he's a model and a singer," said Leo.

"Then how come we've never heard of him or his music?," Jason wondered.

"Ummm. . . He lives in South Africa now," Leo said.

"Alright then. Everyone pack your bags, I'll look up some houses we can rent out. Jason go Iris Message Reyna. Will go tell Chiron that we will be heading of to South Africa first thing tomorrow morning!," Annabeth said.

They all packed their bags for a month stay. Piper helped Annabeth find a place to rent in Nico's town, where he was living. The boys all goofed around while packing but eventually got it done.

Will was really concerned about Nico. He was concerned about him, not only because he was Will's ex-patient but also because Will had a crush on Nico. He was devastated when he heard what Hades had said, and it caused him to have depression for months. Nico was missing for one and a half years. But Will now had his spring back in his step and that blinding smile. His siblings were happy to see him like this. To see Will happy and full of life.

"What's got you so happy Mr. Solace?," asked his sister, Kayla, with a smirk on her face.

"Leo found Nico! He's in South Africa!," Will exclaimed. The Apollo cabin looked at him amazed and started to cheer.

"I still don't know why he left," said Austin.

"Yeah. . . Neither do I. But we found him. A special campfire is going to be held tonight in honour of him. And apparently tonight is an awards ceremony thing that he's going to perform in. And he's nominated for 3 mystery awards. I asked Chiron if we can watch it at the campfire tonight.Leo and I didn't tell the others so keep it on the down low. It's going live," Will informed then.

Nico The Angel... [SOLANGELO]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin