Chapter 1 《Nico》

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Father had summoned me and I didn't know why. Why would he summon me? We just got out of a war. Is this another quest? I hope not.

I see him in the Throne Room, his eyes land in me and stands up. I walk closer and closer, playing with a loose thread at the hem of my shirt. I kneel before him and say," Hello Father."

"You may rise, son. You and I both know that you are very powerful. Or have to potential to be. I have summoned you here to because I feel you need to be gifted after all you've done. And we both know you haven't been praised as much as you need to," he said surprisingly. I nodded my head, thinking back to the celebration that was held after we defeated Gaia.

Everyone gathered in at the dining pavilion where a party was being held. Everyone paid attention to the Seven and no one even batted an eyelash at me.

Maybe it's because I look intimidating but a simple "thanks" would be nice. A random camper had come up to me and rambled about how 'amazing' and 'heroic' the Seven are.

The only person to actually acknowledge what I did was Will. You would think that Percy, Annabeth, Hazel, Frank, Piper and Jason would give me a pat on the back or hug but that didn't happen.

Back to present

"The gift I am going to give you is the power of the Skoteinós Ángelos. The Dark Angels. It will allow to to haul spirits that are reckless. Complete control of the shadows. More power than you have ever imagined. And it will make your duties as Ghost King much easier. Do you accept?"

I stood up straighter, a smirk played on my lips. I nod my head," I, Nico di Angelo accept the gift of Skoteinós Ángelos."

And with that my father smiled, letting the shadows surround me. I feel the power running through my veins. A weight grows on my back. Hell fire being produced from my hands. My Stygian Iron sword becomes slightly larger.

The shadows die down. There I am standing in the Throne Room of Hades; in black royal wear similar to Hades; a gothic fantasy looking crown of Celestial Bronze, Imperial Gold and Stygian Iron; Hell Fire at my feet; my canines slightly longer and sharper and what surprised me the most were the wings.

Beautiful jet black wings, stretched out. It's feathers were shiny and soft to the touch. They were light weight and quite large. They made me feel whole for some reason. I felt free of all my burdens.

I look up at my father, a look of freedom present in my eyes. " Thank you Father!," I say.

"You can fly where ever you like, Zeus cannot harm you anymore. I understand that would like to hide you wings. They retract whenever you want, and when they are retracted you will have, what looks like, a tattoo of Angel wings. Not many people know about Dark Angels. If you wish to tell those friends you may."

"Father. . . Why did you give me such a gift?," I questioned.

"I have been in your place before Nico. . . Countless times. Now you best be off. But why don't you try out your wings around the place for a bit?," he said. "By the way I forgot to tell you that you can create portals with shadows now. Much more better than Shadow Travelling." And with that he disappeared from his Throne.

I let my wings flap behind me, allowing me to hover for a bit. I slowly went higher and higher and flew from corner to corner of the Throne Room.

Halfway through I asked one of the spirits to fetch me some comfortable clothes. Of course they were black jeans and converse but the shirt surprised me. It was light grey and said screw this world in bold black letters. I liked it.

After getting a hang of it I created a shadow portal. I decided to make the portal appear on the other side the camp border. I casually walked through the portal, with my hands in my pockets whistling I Don't Care.

When I appeared on the other side the camp surrounded the portal, armed and ready. My whistling came to a stop and I froze.

"What's going on guy? Did a monster attack or what," I asked slightly confused. Then it hit me. . . I forgot to retract my wings. Percy came forward, fuming and looked like he was going to rip out someone's throat.

"What's going on is that we had been worried about your whereabouts di Angelo," Percy stated annoyed. " And the fact you come back looking more like a freak? What's with that?" That hit me hard. I knew he had always seen me as a freak and now he proved it.

"Everyone leave I have business to settle with Percy. Unless you want to die you will leave," I said as I balled my fists. Hell fire encased my fists which made everyone leave except for the Seven.

"Explain," Annabeth said in a demanding voice.

"I don't have to explain to you," I snarled. They looked a bit taken back. They must have noticed the fangs.

"Nico what happened to you?," asked Hazel in a soft voice. I calmed down, the hell fire going out and my wings' feathers ruffled.

"Hades gave me a gift. The gift of the Dark Angels. I accepted the gift," I said in a cool, icy voice.

"WHY DID YOU ACCEPT?," Jason said, clearly angry.

"Because he knows what it feels like to be in your position. He gave it to me as a 'thank you' gift. THAT'S WHY," I said in a frustrated tone.

They took a step back, everyone besides Percy. "Why don't you be a good little boy and stood being such a brat?" Now that angered me.

"God's Percy! Can't you be happy for your cousin? Honestly! The attention has gone to your brain!," I yelled in his face, my white fangs glistening. "Maybe I should go far away from this place? Hmm. . . Would that make you happy Sir Ego?," I asked. I didn't even wait for him to answer. I started to hover in the air and went higher and higher. Before they they could even see it, I flew through the border, escaping my living hell, known as Camp Half Blood.

I flew, my destination in mind. Obviously after this they would look for me. The only three places they knew I could go to. Camp Jupiter, The Underworld and Italy.

Those places were too easy. They would find me easily. I planned a trip when I was little to go to that country.

I flew and flew to my destination. The camp growing smaller in the distance. I would start my life anew. Go to university early. Maybe find some demigods. Recreate myself. Be happy.

I continued my journey as the wind blew my hair around wildly. I flew for what seemed liked minutes but we're actually hours. My Father being Hades and like coming to Earth without anyone but Hazel and I knowing had a large range of country side ranches or mansions in estates.

I saw the mansion in the distance flew slower. I don't feel drained at all. I had arrived in a new country at my dad's least favourite, but my favourite, mansion. What I liked about it was that you just needed to be Hades or his child to enter the house.

I arrived in South Africa and walked into the mansion, ready to take on my new life.

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