A gun shot straight into my chest.

I laughed weakly, took out the knife and plunged it into his heart. "I have to admit... You're the first toy to ever last longer than the others..." I said as I coughed out blood. I stood up from his dead, frozen expression of horror and slowly walked away from the body. Skyler limped faster toward me as I collapsed.

"Pixel!" he shouted as he held me close to him. I chuckled darkly and coughed.

"D-damn, that hurt..." I said as I coughed up more blood. He looked at me sadly and cradled me.

"Don't worry! We'll patch you up," he said with a panic tone in his voice. I laughed weakly and looked up at the ceiling. There was a hole in the ceiling as it shuns at me and Skyler.

"Who knew, when you're at the bridge of death... it would look beautiful..." I said while grinning happily then tears filled my eyes. "God, this is actually happening," I sobbed while still grinning.

"Pixel..." Skyler whispered as he laid his hand over the gun wound. I winced and stood up from his hold.

"No, I can't accept this fate. I have one more thing to do..." I said as I limped away from Skyler. I kept walking until I reached the door of the warehouse and turned to face Skyler once more.

"Sky... tell me you love me... one more time," I said with a small smile. He looked at me and I saw a stream of tears fall from his dark eyes.

"I... I love you..." he said quietly. I nodded my head and smiled sadly.

"I love you too," I said as I sniffed. I opened the door of the warehouse and walked out.


After reaching Skyler's house, which took a long time to get there, I went inside and collapsed on the stairs. My body couldn't take it anymore now that I lost large amounts of blood. I crawled up the stairs and into the living room. I climbed up on the sofa and picked up Skyler's phone. I dialed the number of my house and waited for someone to pick up.

Someone picked up.

"Hello? Who is this?" said a familiar voice.

I was right.

"Hello~, Kyle. I knew you faked your death," I said with a weak smile. He chuckled and answered darkly.

"She finally found out," he said while chuckling lowly. 

I laughed and answered seriously. "This whole time... I blamed myself for the death of my once beloved, now hated brother. Thanks to you, I'm on the edge of dying," I said while laughing louder. He stopped chuckling and sighed with irritation.

"Brother? Mom and dad never liked me. They always said that I should be more like my younger sister, who is on the bridge of death right now. You're probably wondering how I fake my death. As you can see, one of our neighbors looked like me and I used him as a bait of my death and mom and dad took the bite," he said while laughing happily. "They are so stupid for believing that I died. 

"After my 'funeral', I checked to see how the family was doing and I see you being drowned in the hands of our own mother! Ha! That was priceless. I see dad still making out with the slut of his dreams and, to be honest, it was quite traumatizing for a child back then," he said while chuckling.

"Then, after a few days went by, I went to check on you and I saw you covered in the blood of our own parents! I have to say, I think I made you snap," more laughing, "Yes, you could say I was the one that made you a murderer...

"I created you,"

"I made you this way,"

"This was the plan I made when I was just a little boy and it worked perfectly!" he said as he sighed from all that laughing. I clenched on the phone harder and chuckled wickedly.

"You? Who said you planned me to kill most of the guards in the asylum? Who said that you were the one who planned me to fall in love with a gangster? Who said that you were the one who planned me to get shot?

"No one. No one fucking planned this! I made my choices without you! I was the one who got out of the asylum and made it alive! It was me! Me! Me! Me!" I shouted in the phone. I could feel him frowning even though he's not here.

"You're wasting my time! Plus, aren't you wasting your time? I've got somewhere to be right now and you should be too," he said and hung up. I laughed insanely and cried. I hugged my knees and cried my heart out while crying between my legs. I stopped to cough out blood and continue to cry.

Why? Why did my life turn out so crooked?

I stood up from the sofa and weakly walked into Skyler's bedroom. I opened his closet where there was the photo and walked over to his bed. I hugged the photo close to my chest and slept on his bed... until there was infinite darkness... and no light.

|||||||The end|||||||

Those who have grown used to their wicked ways will receive death as their punishment. Although they might've changed in the end, they will not go to heaven nor hell. For they will stay in the middle realm and perish. Hatred rests in all of us and grows strong after some events in life. After those events, you are given five choices.

One, to end your life because of all the hatred inside you is driving you mad.

Two, to take it all out on someone else.

Three, to either tell someone about it and they'll help you.

Four, to not do anything at all and die a painless and loneliness life with no one to aid you.

And five, to repent and beg for mercy while apologizing.

People rather choose two because they think it's a cure for this poisonous hatred. That's when the events in this story take place.

Thank you for reading! (^u^)

Also, I apologize for the tragedy ending for the main character, Pixel. But, this is how I planned it when I started writing. Please don't get mad at me for a messed up ending for this story, but I promise that I'll write a better story next time!

Don't forget to vote for this story! (>u*)

In My Own WorldHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin