Chapter 23

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"REGINA?!! REGINA!!" I hear Robin scream from down the corridor

I sit bolt upright in bed and stumble out, running as fast as I can to Regina's room, pushing the door open and running inside.

"What the hell is going on? Where is she?" I ask, my panic rising

"I don't know, I heard a scream and then I woke up and she was gone"

I frown for a second, my panic and concern for my sister rising by the second. I stand there for a second, scanning the room for any evidence. And then I see it, on the bed, a black feather.

I walk over to the bed, snatching it from the cover and into my hands, my anger and panic rising in my stomach as I turn it over to find a note stuck to the feather: "She's mine now, see you soon dears".

"Zelena what is it?" Robin asks, looking at me as I drop the feather

"Maleficent" I mumble, tears running down my face

"What?" He frowns

"Maleficent! She took her! She took Regina, we have to find her!" I cry

"I thought she was gone? We got rid of her! How is this possible?"

"I don't know! But that doesn't matter! What matters is that Maleficent wouldn't have taken her for no reason, she's nine months pregnant! It's not long till her due date!" I huff

"The baby" he realises, his eyes growing with fear

"We need to go, we need to find her!" He says, standing up abruptly and changing into some clothes

" I need to go to the vault" I decide, grabbing my sisters top from her dresser

"Are you serious? My soulmate and baby are in danger and you want to go the vault?" He snaps

"Robin, we are going to find her but we need something to be able to do that! We can't just look around in random places because if we do that we could be looking for days and by the time we find her it could be too late! Now I'm going to the vault to find a locator potion and we're going from there okay?" I explain

"Just help her" he whimpers

"I will, now let's go, okay?" I nod, exiting the room and down the stairs to the front door


I open my eyes slowly, squinting as I try to look around the room, to remember where I am. As my vision finally starts to clear I realise I'm lying on a bed, pillows propped under my head, the night gown I was wearing before still clung comfortably to my body, but I know I'm not home.

I try to stand but as I do I'm pulled back, by magic. Magic is stopping me from moving, from escaping.

"Well, look who's finally awake!" I hear a familiar voice say from the shadows

I try to speak, to let out a scream but all that comes out is a muffled voice and a giggle from Maleficent.

"I wouldn't bother dear, save your voice for later" she says, coming out from the shadows

I manage to sit back against the headboard a hand laid protectively over my stomach.

"Oh relax; I'm not going to hurt your little one, not yet anyway. You're here so I don't miss the delivery of your baby" she sighs, sitting beside me

I frown at her for a second but my expression quickly changes as a gush of water pours out from in between my legs and a horrifying pain shoots through my stomach making me let out a muffled cry.

"And just in time! Cruella, Ursula, you can come out now!" She giggles

I look around frantically as two figures come out of the shadows, standing either side of Maleficent.

"Let's have a baby and get our revenge shall we?"

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