Chapter 13

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Two weeks later


"Regina, are you ready?" Zelena shouts up the stairs

"Almost!" I shout back, slipping the pregnancy test into my purse along with my make up to cover up my pale complexion

Today's the day I tell Robin. Roland's birthday party. I don't really have a choice, I can't keep it from him much longer, I'm already starting to show and people around town are starting to get suspicious. Although I try to hide it, I know it's not a very good disguise.

What will he say? How will he react to the news? What will Marian say... good lord Marian! Poor Marian! Should I be doing this? Should I just keep it from him and hope for the best? No, I can't do that, it's not fair on the baby or on him. I have to tell him, and I have to tell him today! I can do this... I have to do this.

"REGINA COME ON WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE!" Zelena yells from the bottom of the stairs

"I'm coming!" I shout back, leaving the room and closing the door behind me

"Are you ready?" my sister asks as I walk down the stairs, referring to the pregnancy

"No" I mumble

"Hey, it's going to be okay, the quicker you tell him the sooner we can leave and you won't have to see him again!" she smiles

"Are you saying he won't want the baby?" I ask, placing a hand on my stomach

"Regina I was kidding! Of course he will, don't worry, now come on let's go" she sighs. Clicking her fingers, purple smoke swarming around the two of us and taking us to Granny's

"Well here we are, let's go" I sigh, my whole body shaking with nerves

"GINA!! You came!" Roland squeals when we get inside, running up to me and hugging my legs

"Hey buddy, of course I did! Happy birthday!" I smile, sinking down to his height

"Roland, what did you do with your stuffed monkey," I hear a familiar voice say, a voice that makes me even more nervous


"Hey" he smiles

"Hi" I smile back awkwardly

"Robin what is she doing here?" I hear Marian whisper from behind him, glaring at me

"Marian, just calm down, Roland invited her, now will you please relax, she's not going to hurt anyone" he sighs

"Fine" she huffs, sitting in a booth in the far corner of the room with Roland

"Hey, again" he says awkwardly

"Hey, listen, can I talk to quickly, in private?" I ask

"Of course" he nods, following me to the back room of Granny's

"Thank you for coming, I know it can't be easy for you. And I apologize for Marian's behaviour, she's still adjusting" he starts

"Not a problem, I did it for Roland, I can't just disappear from his life without a reason. And I understand, she knew me as the evil queen, a lot of people did, it's taking time to adjust" I nod, smiling gently

"Robin, I need to tell you something" I interrupt him, unable to take it any longer

"What is it?" he asks, slightly surprised by my outburst

"Well, um, you know the other week when I was sick?" I start, trying to find a non-awkward way to start the situation

"Yes, quite well" he nods

"Well there was a reason for that, I've wanted to tell you for a while now, but I'm scared to tell you because it's going to ruin everything but I don't think I can keep it from you much longer. So... I'm pregnant..." I rush

There's silence for a moment, he stares at me for a second, trying to process what I've just said, I can see all the emotions darting around frantically in his eyes.

"You're pregnant?" he says

"Yes" I nod

"And it's mine right?"

"Of course" I say

"Regina, this is the best news I've heard all day! How- how far along are you?" he smiles, his facing lighting up

"About 8 weeks" I smile, placing a hand on my stomach

"So you're happy about this? You're not going to walk away and leave me?" I ask

"Regina I would never leave you! I love you! And this baby! I couldn't be happier!" he smiles, leaning in to kiss my lips

"But the question is, will the happiness last long?" a voice says from the corridor


Robin and I freeze in our footsteps

"Marian, please I can explain!" Robin starts

"Oh I don't need an explanation! So first, you imprison me, then you try to kill me and take my husband and child from me, and now you're taking him from me again by getting yourself pregnant! I don't think so! You don't deserve happiness! Not after all you've done!" Marian snarls

"Marian! What the hell has gotten into you?" Robin frowns

"Not Marian anymore dear, Marian was never here!" she cackles

All of a sudden, a cloud of purple smoke swarms around her, and when it disappears I have to stop myself from letting out a scream of fear.

Maleficent, Maleficent was Marian this whole time.

"Hello dears!" she giggles

"Oh my god" I mumble

"Now I'm back to my normal self, finally! It's time Regina to give you what you rightfully deserve! Pain!" she smiles

All of a sudden a blast of magic rushes towards me, hitting full force like a gale of wind, knocking back, hitting my head on a machine hard, and everything goes black...

And there is the plot twist!!!You guys have no idea how much I've wanted to publish this chapter for! Hope you enjoyed! :)

True loveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang