Chapter 10

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I walk slowly around the grocery store, trying to find things that Regina might be able to stomach, all I've got is soup and herbal tea, which I know she hates, but it's better than nothing I suppose.

I walk past the desert isle and decide to pick up some ice cream for her for when she gets better, she'll need it. I pick up a tub and place it in the basket and continue shopping but all of a sudden I feel my shopping trolley crash into someone.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! I should have been looking where I was going!" I start but pause when I see who it is


"Robin, hi" I say awkwardly

"Hey Zelena" he smiles

"I'm so sorry; I should have been looking where I was going! I was in a bit of a rush!" I apologize again, not knowing what to say

"Zelena it's fine, really, I'm okay" he nods

"Good" I smile weakly

"How's Regina? I haven't seen her for a bit is she okay?" he asks

"Yeah, she's fine" I lie, my discomfort growing by the second

"Oh, well can you ask her if I can go round and see her? Roland misses her and he keeps begging to see her and I don't know what to do" he asks hesitantly

"Robin, now isn't really a good time" I sigh

"But you just said she's fine? Is something wrong?" he frowns

"She's just busy with paperwork and stuff" I shrug, grabbing a carton of milk

"But she's not the mayor anymore, she doesn't have to do all that" he argues

"Look okay, she's just really busy at the moment and doesn't want to see anyone! Can you just respect that please?" I snap

"Okay, well I'll see you later" he sighs, pushing his trolley away to another isle and finally leaving me alone


I wake up in a room far from home. Where am I? The enchanted forest? Some unknown realm that I don't know? I know for sure that I'm not home.

All of a sudden I hear a cry from somewhere in the room, a baby's cry. I look around the room, my eyes falling on a crib, a tiny baby inside, their cries breaking my heart.

I try to sit up to console them but something is stopping me, magic.

"Hello dear!" I hear a voice say

That voice. I know that voice. It's a voice I never thought I would hear again. A voice of a person I thought was gone forever. This can't be happening! Why is this happening?


"How the hell are you alive? You- you died!" I whimper

"No I didn't, nothing is ever that simple Regina! I've come back to get my revenge! By taking your baby!" she giggles

All of a sudden I feel a horrific pain in my stomach making me scream, pools of blood spilling out in between my legs.

"NO! NO!" I scream, the pain becoming unbearable

"And that dearie is how you get revenge! See you soon!" she giggles

"REGINA? REGINA WAKE UP!" I hear someone yelling and shaking me violently

My eyes shoot open and I sit bolt upright in bed, slapping the person who has their hand on my arm violently unable to hear their voice.

"REGINA! REGINA IT'S OKAY! YOU WERE DREAMING,IT'S OKAY!" they yell over my screams and protests

I stop for a second my breath hitching in my throat when I see who is sat beside me, a person I never thought I would see again. Robin.

"Robin?" I frown

"Hey" he smiles

"Wha- what are you doing here? Where's Zelena?" I ask

"She's gone shopping, I let myself in" he explains

I look him over for a second and notice the blood on his arm from where I scratched him, trying to get him off of me.

"Oh my god! Did I hurt you?" I whimper

"Hey, hey no it's okay, I'm fine, it's just scratch, nothing to worry about!" he reassures me

"No, no I hurt you, you have to get away from me!" I cry moving away from him

"Regina! Look at me! I'm okay, it's just a scratch! I'm fine, see?" he whispers

"Now, do you want to tell me what this dream was about? Why you were screaming when I came in the room and smacking me when I tried to wake you up?" he adds

"I," I start but am cut off by my stomach churning violently

I grab the trash can and hurl into it again, Robin quickly grabbing my hair and holding it back, rubbing circles on my back with the other.

My vision starts to go blurry as I continue to throw up, feeling myself falling back, Robin catching me in his arms just before I fall into the pillows.

"Regina, how long have you been sick for?" he asks, holding me in his arms

"A week or so, maybe longer I don't know" I mumble

"I knew something was wrong, that's why I came to check on you, I'm so glad I did" he sighs

"Come on, lie down" he adds, lying back carefully on the pillows

"Robin, I need to tell you something," I whimper

"Tell me when you feel better okay? Go to sleep, I'll be right here when you wake up" he argues

I nod, my eyes closing slowly, his hand intertwined with mine

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