Chapter 16

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I climb carefully up the stairs to Regina's room, gently opening her bedroom door so not to wake her with the noise. For a moment, I look watch her as she sleeps, her soft raven locks spread out across the pillow, her breathing calm as she sleeps peacefully.

I sit in the chair beside her and take her hand into mine, breathing a sigh of relief as she continues to sleep. When I look at her forehead and see the bandages, I start to blame myself. It's my fault that this happened in the first place, I believed Maleficent was Marian, I left my soul mate for a woman I thought was the woman I loved, leaving my soulmate to carry my child alone.

"I'm so sorry" I whisper to her, rubbing her hand gently

All of a sudden, her eyes start to open slowly, squinting at the sunlight that's shining through the gap in the curtains.

"Mmm, Robin?" she whimpers, her voice croaky from sleep

"Hey, hey, it's okay, go back to sleep" I reassure her, stroking her hair

"Wha- what are you doing here? AH! Where's Whale or Zelena?" she cries, moaning in pain as she tries to sit up

"Hey, calm down! Lie down, it's alright. Zelena's downstairs, I said I'd come and sit with you for a bit while you rest" I sigh

"Where's Maleficent? Where's my baby? is the baby okay?" she panics

"Regina she got away" I whisper

"She what? Well where is she?" she says, her voice filled with fear

"Hey, hey, it's alright, Emma and the David are out looking for her as we speak, I promise, we're going to find her. But right now we need to get you better" I reassure her for what feels like the hundredth time already

"And our baby?" she asks, resting her hand on her small bump

"They're fine, perfectly healthy. You however, need to rest because you've bruised your spine, so Zelena has put you on strict bed rest for a bit until it's healed properly" I smile

"I don't care about me, I care about our baby, are you sure they're okay?" she asks again

"Yes, Regina, I promise you" I nod

"I wouldn't be so sure of that" a voice interrupts us

We both look up to see Zelena stood in the doorway, a panicked look plastered on her face.

"What's the matter?" I ask, referring to her shaking frame

"I just had a visit from Maleficent, I- I know what she wants, why she's here" she whispers

"What does she want? Zelena please tell me!" Regina panics, tears now filling her eyes too

"She wants your baby" she whispers

I feel Regina's grip on my hand get tighter as soon as she hears the words, her breathing becoming fast and panicked, her body shaking with fear.

"Robin, she's going to take my baby. ROBIN WE HAVE TO STOP HER PLEASE! PLEASE DON'T LET HER TAKE MY BABY! PLEASE!" she cries, tears streaming down her face

"Hey, hey, come on, it's okay, I promise you, she's coming anywhere near our child, we're going to find a way to stop her okay?" I whisper, trying to reassure her but this time failing because I can't even reassure myself that I'm right

She nods silently, collapsing in my arms, her tears staining my shirt

Hey guys! I'm so so sorry I haven't been updating much recently, I've been so busy with college and coursework that I've just had no time to write! But I've broken up for Christmas now which means two and a half weeks off so there should be more chapters being uploaded :)! I've missed writing this fanfiction so much! Hope you enjoyed the chapter! :)

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