Chapter 14

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I sit in a booth by myself when all of a sudden I hear a commotion in the back room where Regina and Robin are supposed to be talking. I get up and half walk, half run towards the back, gasping at the sight I see when I get there. Regina lying unconscious on the floor- blood pouring from her head. And then I see her. Maleficent. But how?

She grins at my shocked expression before disappearing in a cloud of smoke.

"What the hell happened?" I ask Robin, who is by Regina's side

"Marian wasn't Marian, she was Maleficent this whole time, she attacked Regina with magic" he explains, his voice shaking

"Regina? Regina, can you hear me?" I whisper, shaking her as gently as possible


"We need to get her home" I decide

"Doesn't she need a hospital?" Robin asks, scooping Regina carefully into his arms

"Robin I'm a trained nurse and midwife, I know what I'm doing!" I sigh

"I thought you lied about that?" he frowns

"Nope, it was about the only thing that was true" I smile

"Robin" I hear my sister whimper from behind us

"Hey, it's alright, I'm here, it's okay" he whispers, crouching down beside her

"What... Happened? AHH! MY BACK!" she cries

"Regina? Regina listen to me, you're going to be okay, we just need to get you home so I can check you over, but I need you to stay calm for me" I say, trying to reassure myself and my sister who is now crying into Robin in pain

"Stay with me" I hear her half whisper to Robin, frightened that he'll leave again

"Don't worry darling, I'm not going anywhere, I promise" he smiles reassuringly

"AHH! PLEASE HELP ME IT HURTS SO BAD!!" She cries, tears of agony falling down her face

"Robin, we need to get her home, and I need you to call Doctor Whale as soon as we get there and tell him it's an emergency" I say sternly to a now shaking Robin

He nods nervously, holding Regina close to him as I poof us home with a click of my fingers

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