Chapter 11

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Three hours later


I stand at the checkout, staring at the text Emma has just sent me asking how Regina is while I load the last of the shopping into my bag, at least I know that the secret hasn't gotten to Robin yet, although I still feel uneasy about the whole ordeal, it's enough to keep me going for now.

With a sigh, I take my bags and head out of the shop towards Regina's house, but all of a sudden I'm stopped in my tracks by purple smoke swirling itself around me, making my panic increase rapidly. As it clears and I find myself on the driveway of Regina's house.

"Regina I know I've been gone for ages but have a little patience!" I huff

"I don't think Regina was that desperate to see you darling!" I hear a familiar voice say from behind me

I stop in my tracks as I hear that cold voice I never thought I would have to hear again.

"Hello Cruella" I sigh, turning around to face her

"Hello darling, long time no see!" she smiles

"So what can I do for you? Have you come to show off that you've made it into storybrooke? Because if you are I'm really not interested" I snap

"No, no I'm not here for that, although I am pretty impressed Regina fell for the fact I wanted a second chance! I've come to give you a message, take it as a warning, from an old friend to an old friend" she whispers, getting so close to me I can feel her hot breath on my neck

"We were never friends, but I suggest if you want me to listen you tell me now and you tell me very quickly before I rip your heart out" I growl

"It's for Regina, tell her to watch her back, with her condition and all, the world is rather, well, dangerous" she giggles before walking away, leaving me with a frown on my face

"See you soon, darling!" she shouts from the other side of the bush

I roll my eyes and take myself inside; leaving the shopping bags in the hallway so I can go and check on Regina. But as I enter the room, I about jump out of my skin when I see Robin sat on the bed, Regina curled up in his arms, fast asleep, the trash can lying next to her. I stare at them in complete shock, taken aback by the scene I'm looking at.

"Zelena? Is that you?" Regina whimpers

"Hey, sis, sorry I was gone so long, it's okay, I'm home now" I smile, sitting beside her

"I'm going to go, I'll see you soon Regina okay?" Robin decides, moving carefully and placing Regina's head onto the pillow

"I'll see you out" I whisper, following him and closing the door behind me

"What the hell are you doing here?! I told you not to bother her!" I whisper, confused whether to be angry or relieved

"Well I knew something was up! I'm not stupid Zelena! I know when you're lying and I knew that something was wrong with her so I came by to make sure she was okay and I'm so glad I did because when I did find her she was screaming in her sleep because she was having a nightmare, a very nasty one at that and when I managed to wake her up she started throwing up! Why didn't you contact me? I could have helped!" he whispers back, a little irritation evident in his voice

"Well, I'm sorry but you've been a little busy with your wife! I'm sorry that I got the impression you wanted nothing to do with Regina because YOU CHOSE MARIAN OVER MY SISTER!" I scream back at him

"You know what keep your opinions and judgements to yourself! I only came by because Regina needed me!" he growls walking down the stairs

"The only people she needs, is her family. You're not included in that family, you should have thought about that before you chose Marian over her!" I snap, my anger rising

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