Chapter 20

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Two months later


"Okay, well the potion is ready! You ready sis?" I declare, staring at my sister who looks terrified

"Hey, it's going to be okay, we're going to defeat her, I promise sis, this will all be over soon" I reassure her, taking her hand in my own

"Are you sure it's powerful enough to stop her? What if it doesn't work?" she panics, a hand on her enlarged stomach

"Regina, it will work, I promise"

"I wouldn't be so sure about that!" A familiar voice that makes us all freeze in our tracks


"Hello, dears!" Maleficent cackles as we all turn around, Robin stepping in front of me for protection

"Don't take another step!" Robin growls

"Oh please, back off, thief" she huffs, knocking both Zelena and Robin aside with a flick of her wrist, my eyes growing with fear

"Now, time to have a baby" she giggles

"Maleficent, please don't do this, you can be happy, we can help you!" I beg

"After what you did to me, no, I don't think so, the only way you can help me is by giving me my revenge and that is to make you suffer, so yes, I have to do this!" she growls, her arms positioned to perform her magic

"No, you don't" I mumble, knocking her to the ground and grabbing the potion before she has a chance to stand up again

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" she screams, now up on her feet

"YOU'RE NOT TAKING MY BABY!!!" I yell, throwing the potion at her, watching her face fall as she realises what's about to happen to her

"You've not heard the end of this Regina! I will get my revenge! One way or another!" she cries before dissolving, her ashes lying in a pile on the floor

"Regina? Are you alright? Where is she?" Robin asks, his voice filled with concern, placing his hand on my stomach

"Gone, she's gone" I whisper

"Regina, are you okay?" Zelena asks, rubbing her head

"Yeah, I'm fine," I start, but a pain in my stomach cuts me off, making me scream and fall into Robin, watching in confusion as purple smoke starts to swarm around, squeezing Robin's hand to death with pain


I watch as she tries to reach for me, but is thrown back by the spell, whatever's happening, I know it's helpless to try and stop it.

Eventually, the pain finally stops and the smoke disappears, allowing me to fall back into Robin in relief, closing my eyes from fatigue. But something feels different, something isn't right. I open my eyes and have to stop myself from screaming.

"Regina, your stomach, it-it's grown!" Robin gasps

"How-how is this possible? I was only 4 months pregnant!" I cry

"Maleficent sped up your pregnancy, when she died; the potion was enacted because her magic wasn't tethered to anything" Zelena explains

"No, no, no! This can't be happening!" I whimper

"Hey, hey, it's okay. Maleficent's gone, she's not going to hurt you or the baby, I promise" he reassures me

"You don't know that! There must be a reason why this happened!" I cry

"Because she's gone Regina, and she's not going to hurt you now, she's dead" Zelena chips in

"Are you sure?" I ask, placing my hand on my stomach protectively

"I promise, now come on, let's get you home" Robin nods, helping me up

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