Chapter 2

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Two weeks later


I sit in the apartment scrolling through my phone looking for a message, an email even a Facebook post from Regina, anything to tell me she's okay and nothing's happened to her.

It's been two weeks since the situation with Marian, since she disappeared, and we've heard nothing, which was to be expected, but not for this long.

She's not answering her texts, phone calls, even house visits. Henry's tried, Robin's tried, even I've tried, nothing. She doesn't want to be found.

I blame myself for it, there's no one else to blame. I did this, I saved Marian from Regina and this is the consequence, Regina's happiness. It's not fair, on anyone.

Suddenly, the door opens, Snow entering the room, tiredness showing on her face from looking for Regina all night.

"Any luck?" I ask, knowing the answer

"No" she sighs, sitting beside me

"Has she answered any texts, calls, anything?" I ask

"No, nothing" she says

"I really messed up didn't I?" I sigh

"Emma you did what you thought what was right, no one would have known!" she points out

"Regardless, I ruined Regina's happiness, no one is to blame but me" I sigh, staring at the floor now

She's about to reply when there's a loud knocking on the door, making both of us jump.

"I'll get it" I offer, standing up

I pull the door open and get a bit of a shock when I see Zelena standing there.

"Hi, come in" I smile, standing aside so she can enter

She gives a weak smile and enters, giving a smile to Snow before sitting down at the table

"So what can we do for you?" I ask, confused as to why she's here

"I wanted to know if you'd heard anything from Regina? I'm worried about her" she explains

"Nothing yet I'm afraid" I say

"Have you been to the house?" she asks

"Yes, but no one's answering" I nod

"Why don't you let me try talking to her? We may not be on good terms but it's worth a shot isn't it?" she suggests

"You'd do that?" I ask

"Yes, I- I'm worried about her" she mumbles

"Well it's worth a shot, when were you planning on going?" I shrug

"Today, we've heard nothing for two weeks and I want to make sure she's okay" she sighs

"Okay, well call if you find anything okay?" I nod

"I will" she smiles, exiting the apartment to Regina's


I wake up and let out a groan as my stomach starts to churn violently, making me shoot out of bed to the bathroom, only just managing to make it to the toilet before hurling into it. I've been having this for the past week, sickness, stomach cramps, fever, dizziness the list goes on. And it's getting worse every day. I'm sure it's just because of the whole situation with Robin is stressing me out.

I've had multiple missed calls, text messages, all from him, he's even knocked on the door a few times, but I don't answer, because I know that my situation will get worse if I let him in. He has his wife back, he doesn't need me, and he doesn't love me. Sometimes I think I was a replacement to fix his feelings, the pain of losing his wife.

I finally stop throwing up, lying against the cold tiles of the bathroom, shaking and sweating as the dizziness takes over for the hundredth time this week.

"Please stop" I whimper

But it doesn't, it gets worse, to the point where I'm blinded by fuzzy vision.

I stand up slowly, attempting to get back to bed to lie down, but the dizziness is too much, and soon enough I feel myself falling, and everything blacks out....

True loveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz