Chapter 6

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10 minutes later


"So do you want chocolate chip ice cream or mint chocolate chip sis? Your choice?" I hear my sister say as we walk around the supermarket

"Um... whatever" I sigh, my head banging loudly like a drum

"Okay, well we can get the rest of the shopping and then you can decide" Zelena decides, continuing to walk

I'm about to follow her when something stops me in my tracks

"Gina? Gina is that you?" I hear a familiar voice squeal from behind me

I turn around slowly to find Roland looking up at me, pure love in his eyes. Why now?

"Hey buddy!" I smile, pushing down the lump that's now formed in my throat and crouching down carefully beside him

"I've missed you Gina! Why don't you come to see me and papa anymore? I miss you!" he says, throwing his arms around my neck

"Well, munchkin, Gina is very busy right now, she doesn't have much time to come and see you, but that doesn't mean I don't love you okay?" I lie, biting back the tears that are forming in my eyes

"Okay, I love you too Gina, please come and see us one day? Please?" he begs, his big eyes melting my heart

"We'll see" I say, forcing a smile

"Roland! There you are! I've been looking," I hear another familiar voice from behind me, making me freeze in fear


"Papa! Gina's here!" Roland squeals, moving to stand beside his father

I stand up carefully and turn to face him nervously, my heart pounding out of my chest as I stare at him for a second. My soulmate- the man I can never have; the father of my unborn child.

"Roland, why don't you go and choose some sweets, I'll be there in a second" Robin whispers, making him giggle and run off, leaving the two of us in awkward silence

"Hey" he says

"Hi" I say back, staring back at the floor

"I'm sorry about Roland, he found me before I could do anything" I add, trying to make conversation

"No it's okay, I wouldn't have expected him to have ignored you if he ever ran into you" he sighs

I nod shakily

"So how've you been?" he asks, finding this just as awkward as I am

"Okay, I guess, as good as I can be, how about you? How's Marian?" I sigh, biting back tears that are still threatening to fall

"We're good, Roland misses you" he nods

"Can't deny I don't miss him" I whisper

"Regina, I," he starts but is quickly interrupted by Zelena barging in between us

"Hey! I found your ice cream! Are you ready to go?" she asks me

"Um... yes" I nod, smiling weakly at Robin before leaving the store


"Thank you, for that" Regina says as climb into the car

"No problem, I bet that was awkward" I smile, putting my seatbelt on

"Are you okay?" I ask, knowing this would be difficult for her

No answer

"Regina? Talk to me" I whisper, taking her hand gently

"He was happy Zelena! He has a family! He's moved on! I can't do this! I can't face him!" she cries

"Hey, hey, hey, come on sis, it's okay, everything's going to be okay, I know it's hard, I shouldn't have bought you out, but things will get easier, I promise!" I reassure her, holding her in my arms gently

"How do you know?" she whimpers

"I just do, now let's go home before your ice cream melts" I sigh, heading out of the supermarket

Hey guys! I'm so, so sorry for the late update! I've been so busy with College! I feel awful and I've missed writing! But I'm off for a week now so I'm going to try and update as much as I can! Thank you for being so patient and I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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