Chapter 4

716 18 4

3 hours later


I sit by my sister's side, like have been for the past 3 hours, she hasn't moved at all, she lays motionless on the bed, her soft raven hair spread out across the pillow.

This is all my fault, I should have come and checked on her before, I knew she was having trouble with a heartbreak and now it's all got out of hand and my sister is sick and I don't know what's wrong with her. How could I let it come to this?

Suddenly I feel a gentle movement from Regina's hand, a twitching. I turn towards her and see her eyes starting to flutter open, her gaze fulling on me and falling into a frown.

"Zelena?" she whispers, her voice croaky from sleep

"Hey, hey, it's okay, you're okay" I reassure her, stroking her hand softly

She instantly tries to sit up but lets out a moan, holding her head where her cut is.

"Alright take it easy, you've hit your head. Now can you remember what happened? Anything at all?" I sigh, helping her to sit up

"Mmm... I was in the bathroom and I was throwing up and I went dizzy so I stood up and then everything went black" she mumbles, holding her head

I'm about to reply when she places a hand over her mouth

"Pass me the trash can please?" she mutters, her hand still firmly placed over her mouth

I quickly grab the trash can and hand it to her, holding her hair back and rubbing soothing circles on her back as she hurls into it violently. After a while she finally stops, slumping back into me weakly, her head resting on my shoulder.

"Ugh, I'm dizzy again" she whimpers, holding her head

"Regina? How long has this been going on for?" I ask, my concern growing for her

"About a week maybe" she sighs

"Have you had any unusual symptoms?" I ask, rubbing her shoulder

"I don't know, my period's...late..." she starts, pausing as she realizes what might be wrong

"No" she mumbles

I click my fingers and a pregnancy test appears in my hand, making Regina's eyes grow with fear.

"Let's get you to the bathroom" I sigh, helping her up

"Okay, so the instructions say, pee on the stick and then wait a minute or two and then read the result, if it's a plus sign you're pregnant, if it's a line you aren't" I say, reading the instructions and passing her the stick to let her do her business

She places it hesitantly on the counter, her hands shaking slightly

"Okay, so now we just wait?" she frowns

"Now we wait" I sigh

She starts pacing up and down nervously, wringing her hands together.

"You ready?" I ask, my nerves increasing

"No" she whispers, biting her nails

"Hey, it's going to be okay, either way, it's going to be okay" I reassure her

She nods nervously, turning her head towards the counter and grabbing the sticking, taking it into her shaking hands and eventually, looking at the result. And all of a sudden, a hand flies to her mouth, tears running down her face.

"No! God no!" she whimpers, placing a hand on her stomach

I wrap my arms around her tightly, stroking her hair softly.

"I can't be pregnant! ZELENA I CAN'T DO IT!"

"Shh, shh, it's okay, everything's going to be okay" I reassure her

"What am I gonna do? I can't do this without him" she cries

"Hey, hey, you don't need Robin to do this, I'm going to look after you, we all are, everything is going to be okay" I reassure her

"Now let's get you back to bed, things will look better in the morning when you've had some rest" I add, helping her up and into bed

As soon as her head hits the pillow, she's fast asleep.

Happy Once day! We survived the hiatus! Hope you're all enjoying the story so far! :)

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