Chapter 22

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The next evening


I place the shopping bags on the kitchen counter, removing the contents and loading them into the fridge and freezer carefully. The house is eerily silent, making me frown. I look at my watch and realise it's 8:30pm, my eyes widening in shock at how long I spent with the Merry Men and away from my soulmate.

I walk out of the kitchen and check the living room to see if Regina and Zelena are still awake or if they've fallen asleep watching TV. But when I look, the room is empty. I shrug it off and assume they're both upstairs.

So I head up the stairs and into the bathroom, quickly showering and putting my pyjamas on before padding across to my room, opening the door quietly, where I find Regina sat up in bed, her head hung low.

"Hey babe" I smile, climbing into bed beside my soulmate, kissing her neck gently

I frown as she stays silent

"Baby? What's wrong?" I ask, placing my hand her hip and rubbing it soothingly

"My back hurts" she whimpers, curling into my chest, a tear wetting my shirt

"Does this help?" I ask, rubbing her back in slow, soothing circles

"Mhm...mmm... keep doing that please" she moans, crumpling into me in relief

I continue rubbing her back slowly, listening as my soulmates breath starts to even out as she falls into sleep.

A gentle knocking on the door makes me jump, I sit up carefully, Regina still lying comfortably on my chest to see Zelena standing in the doorway.

"Hey" I whisper

"Hey, how's she doing?" She asks

"She's alright, just back pain" I sigh, rubbing her shoulder gently

"She's been complaining all day, pretty sure the baby's ready to come"

"Yeah, me too, I think Regina's ready as well" I nod, continuing to rub Regina's back

"I'm going to bed, shout me if you need anything" Zelena smiles, exiting the room and closing the door behind her

I suddenly feel Regina shift in my arms, letting out a silent whimper as she snuggles further into my chest, wincing slightly.

"Hey, hey, shh, it's okay" I whisper, rubbing her back slowly, watching as she instantly falls back to sleep, my eyes closing too as I drift off to sleep

Two hours later


I open my eyes slowly, my eyes adjusting slowly to the darkness. And when I do, I about jump out of bed in fright when I see a figure stood at the end of my bed. Maleficent.

"Robin, Robin, wake up!!!" I whisper, shaking him awake

"That won't be any good dear, he'll wake up when you're gone" she smiles wickedly

"This doesn't make any sense! You're supposed to be," I start

"Dead?" she cuts me off

"Oh Regina, did you really underestimate me? Did you really think that potion would destroy me, kill me? Maybe you are more stupid than I thought" she giggles

"What do you want?" I whimper, fear rising in my stomach as I place my hand protectively over my unborn child

"You of course, now stay still" she whispers

Before I can even move away, a black cuff is placed violently onto my wrist. I feel the energy drain from my body, my magic disappear, making me unable to fight back. The last thing I see is a cloud of smoke swarming around me and then everything goes black.

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