I didn't know I was causing the same thing to another girl Lauren is doing to me.

"Hey," my voice hoarse from all the crying.

"Are you okay?" She asked suddenly, worry etched on her tone.

"Yeah, just a little sick."

"Oh well, I guess it's not a good day to be outside your house, huh?"

"Wait what?" I croaked out, whatever she had just said still not registering in my brain. The tediousness of the week had made me dumber, it seems.

"Look through your window. Or a window that has view to the front. I don't really know where your room is," she laughed at the end.

Without questioning her more, I walked up to the window silently and scanned the front lawn. She was there, all perched up against her car with a bouquet of flowers on her hand, her phone still attached to her ear.

"Surprise," she smiled and waved at me.

I smiled at her for a few seconds before backing up from the window. I thought of what to do as I paced around the room, feeling the 4 walls begin to close in.

I couldn't just leave her outside but then, I don't really feel comfortable with her yet to let her in inside the house.

The party was a different story because there were a crowd in the house.

"Camila," she said, uncertainty now etched on her tone, waking me up from my internal panic attack.

"I'm sorry, yeah?"

"Are you gonna let me in or are you gonna come out?" She chucked nervously.

"Oh right, sorry. Uhh," I trailed off, thinking of what to say. "How about we go out? There's no food in the house and I'm kinda hungry."

"Yeah, sure. I'll just wait outside while you change. I'll see you later?"

"Yeah, give me 10 minutes - 15 tops."

"Take whatever time you need. I'd always wait for you," she said jokingly, imitating a man's voice like in those romantic movies. "Since I surprised you in front of your house and brought you flowers, I might as well go all the way."

I laughed then, a genuine one. Maybe she could be the one to enable me to move on.

And to be honest, I really don't know how to feel about that yet.

Even if I was technically single, I can't help but listen to the nagging voice in the back of my mind that I shouldn't do this with Vero. Because as much as I hate what Lauren is doing to me, she still has my heart.

I changed into a dress in a matter of seconds, putting light makeup on my face to make me not look like a complete zombie and tamed my hair that seemingly looked like a lion prior.

After exactly 15 minutes, I was ready and went out of the house to meet a cunning Vero on the porch, the bouquet still on her hand.

She handed it to me and I put it inside the house. When I came back out, she took my hand, silently walking to her tinted car that was a little too intimidating.

I knew she was rich but this was something else.

Being her chivalrous self, she opened the door for me, letting me slide in before closing the door and walking to her side.

It was a sports car with only 2 seats, as per usual. The color of the car was red, sassy and devious; the only color I would describe Vero with. The interior was tanned and leathered, soft against my body.

Too Close To Home (Camren)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz