Questionsss that need to be answered.

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Well after a unannounced hiatus I was wondering everyone's opinion on what if I rewrote this story...dwelling more on the back story of Tsubaki and making her meet with Sasuke different. My reason for this is I believe my story is a bit cringey and makes a bit no sense.

Seeing as many people have read this story and have voted for it, also because I love this story plot. I feel like you guys deserve something better and less cringey to read.

Now I don't know how many of you have this in your library and will read this update, but whoever does see this and takes the time to read it please comment your thoughts or send me a message I love when you guys comment on my chapters it makes me really happy.

If I do get a decent amount of responses it will depict weather or not I do make this change in my story. Depending on when I get a responses this will also depict on how face this change becomes official.

If there are a decent amount of people who agree with this change I will post the first new chapter to give you guys a sample of how this new version will be.

Thank you to whoever took the time to read this. Thank you to everyone who has read my story up until now it really means a lot to me :)

Side Note: this story will not be updated til I get a decent amount of responses that will allow me to respond.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2017 ⏰

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