Chapter 6. Lost

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Tsubaki's point of view

I felt lost and dazed as if I was a child who had lost their mother in a crowd. The days seemed to float by in a blink of an eye. What was wrong with me and why was I acting like this. My sweet dreams turned into horrible nightmares. It was as if I was trapped in a powerful genjutsu.

I looked at the lake in front of me. It was motionless and a reflection of my younger happier self was staring back at me. I sighed and looked up at the clear blue sky. Would this pain that I feel ever go away or will it bring me I my death, I wondered. What was my purpose in this life was one of the questions I asked myself. Would I ever find love or a place to call home.

I wanted to give up but my brain wouldn't let me. I glanced at my teammates Suigetsu and Karin were arguing and Juugo was trying to separate them while Sasuke seemed to be deep in thought even though you could clearly tell he was annoyed. I shook my head a bit sighing quietly this was obviously going to take a while unless Sasuke were to snap.

"Your presence makes me sick Suigetsu," Karin nagged.

"And your presence makes me wanna barf my insides out Karin," I mumbled causing Suigetsu to snicker. Karin gritted her teeth obviously getting even more mad.

"Karin that's enough whining," Sasuke said in his usual flat tone.

"Fine," Karin said pouting slightly.

We began moving again not a single word was spoken. I forgot where we we're going and I wasn't going to ask so I just continued to follow the others. I looked around at the scenery as I walked slowly taking it in piece by piece. As time went by the sky began to darken and after walking for hours we finally stopped and set up camp enough though Sasuke wanted to continue moving.

I sat against a tree and stared at the was burning slowly in the center. I was so deep into my thoughts that it was like a trance. "Why didn't I die with the rest of my clan, why was I the only survivor, what is my purpose?" I thought. All these different thoughts swam through my head. So many questions that I have that are left unanswered. When and where would I get my answers.

I lifted my head up to see Suigetsu and Karin asleep, Juugo looked like he was about to pass out meanwhile Sasuke was wide awake. Sasuke is in the same situation I'm in but he has more answers than I do. I don't know who killed my clan, I don't know why I'm the only survivor and I don't know what is my purpose of being the only survivor. I let out a small quiet sigh as I glanced at Sasuke.

I wonder what he was thinking about. I looked back at the fire listening to it crackle. "One day my questions will be answered, but until that day comes I would just have to wait patiently," I thought to myself as I closed my eyes and eventually falling asleep.


This chapter is slightly shorter than the others but I hope you guys liked it. If you like this story then you should check out my new modern Sasuke story called To Play With Fire. Anyway goodbye for now :).

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