Chapter Nineteen: Arrow Head

Start from the beginning

"This is perfect" Grayson says, clapping his hands together. "Now the people will defiantly care about what you have to say. No doubt about it." With that, we all began walking again, pacing faster then ever. My bow is dangling from my arm, safe and secure with it's right full owner. I'm still shocked with myself for forgetting it. I'm surprised the whole bow fit in my bag. Beetee made is specially to fold into two when packing it away. Ah, Beetee. Always one step ahead. 

Eventually we make it into the central town. Vegetable and food markets scatter around the area along with shops and a few high buildings. This place is nothing like a real city though. It mainly resembles a old fashioned town square. People walk around, chatting with one another, not even noticing the group of us. This is going to be harder then I thought. After years passed, not many people will remember who I am. Yeah, I saved this whole damn country from falling into pieces. But hey, people have other things on their mind like wondering how much milk coast. Yep. Totally ungrateful. 

Some people eye my bow and arrow, probably wondering why a random girl is walking into their district with a weapon. "Katniss" Peeta hisses, nudging my arm. I turn my head to face him, giving him my full attention. "We could climb up there so everyone can see you." Peeta points to a set of stairs that lead straight to District Ten's Justice building. Now that I notice, District Eleven never rebuilt a new Justice building. What was the point? It's not like their is anymore Hunger Games... or are there? 

The sudden thought sends chills down my back. What if Paylor is planning to recreate The Hunger Games? What if she already started and I had no idea? She wouldn't... She can't! She was an amazing president. But now, my trust in her has completely drowned and died away. 

Before I even realize, we are standing before the majestic looking Justice building - the only building here that looks like an actual building if I do say so myself. "On you go, hero"Johanna snickers. "Just make it quick - we have a schedule to run on." I nod once, lifting myself up on the Justice Building platform. Already some eyes drift onto me. Peeta steps up beside me along with Gale on the other side. If this isn't awkward, I don't know what is. I'm known for saving the country. Peeta's known for doing the same. And Gale... Gale is known for blowing up the hero's sister. I wouldn't be surprised if he received any hate mail. 

This is going to be hard without any type of microphone. I awkwardly cough under my breath, knowing it wont get anyone's attention but I might as well try, right? No response. 

"Uh, hello" I say in a loud voice - obviously not loud enough. "Hello... Guys... -" 

"LISTEN UP!" Johanna yells from below the building. Everyone stops in their tracks and stare at us. Johanna glances up at the three of us and flashes a sweet smile and a thumbs up. 

"Alright" I began, doing my best to amplify my voice. "Can I have everyone's attention? And when I say that, I'm talking about you guys... yeah you, the one's in the back. Stop talking for a second." The group of people who were talking quiet down. "Okay, I'm only going to say this once. Most of you here know who I - " 

"The Mockinjay" a man says in awe in the front. Many people begin to chatter again. 

"Yeah and I'm sort of - " 

"Isn't that Peeta? Her husband?" 

"I think it is!" 

"There are made for one another" 

"He's pretty damn sexy" 

"HEY!" I call out, cupping my hands over my mouth to amplify my voice. From behind, I can hear Peeta snickering away. "This is honestly no time to talk about Peeta and his..uh.. "sexiness"...There are more important matters." 

"As in?" the girl who called Peeta sexy asks in the crowd.

"Well for one thing, I don't know if any of you noticed, but President Paylor has recreated the Capitol and what they used to do.. They are torturing the higher districts. The one's who used to be rich and well fed... Now they are hungry and dying." 

"And what's that to us, huh?" the girl sneers, her freckled face casting a scowl. 

"Are you even listening?" Gale speaks up, sounding completely blown away. "She is creating something we destroyed for a reason." 

"Doesn't seem like it" the girls friend joins in, the same ignorant look on her face. "We're all fine." 

"But they aren't" Peeta insists, stepping up. "We need to send out a warning. District Eleven is ruined. There are people... who are probably going to come here next. They're called Pilots." 

Laughter instantly erupts in the audience. There ignorance is becoming ridiculous. There is no proof for me to state. How can I get these people to believe me? To believe us? 

"And what do these 'Pilots' do, Mr. All Knowing" the girl says, crossing her arms over her chest. This sadly reminds me of Johanna. She has both the bitterness and stubbornness.

"Take your eyeballs" I say as loud as possible. "Yeah, your eyeballs. So if you want to keep your eyes, I suggest all of you shut up and start taking us seriously." 

That's when everyone shuts up and listens. "Now..." I begin. "This is just a warning. When Paylor does come...well, if she comes, then you need to fight back. She's a lier and a cheater. She is not the person you think she is. Believe me." Most people nod. The rest scan the area, looking as if they would want to be anywhere but here. 

"Please, just keep what we are saying in mind. We need to fight back." 

"How do we know you're the real Mockinjay, huh?" a man in the crowd calls out. Is he serious right now? Blinking cluelessly, I raise my eyebrows. "Excuse me?" 

"How do we know you are the real Mockinjay? For all we know you can be a fake." I can't help but laugh at this guy. Other people in the audience begin to agree... And I thought District 11 was bad. District 10 obviously has an attitude problem. Johanna would fit in perfectly with these fellows. Peeta opens his mouth to defend me but I quickly jump in. "You're ignorance is above and beyond, you know that?" I begin to walk around the stage, shaking my head slowly. "But hey, you want proof? Fine." Instantly, I whip out my bow, grab an arrow and set it neatly in the thread. I pull back on the thread with as much force as possible, squinting my eyes for a better view of my target. I bite down on my lip, concentrating hard before sending the arrow off. It flies out of my grasp and soars through the air, pinning the mans hat right off his head. Yells and screams echo around the crowd; the man whimpering, thinking I hit actually hit him. "Is that good enoguh proof for you?" With that, I jump off the stage of the Justice building, landing directly on my feet. 

"Thank you for your consideration" I say with as much attitude as I can pull together. I then take a small bow and push my way through the crowd, without being dismissed. 

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