Chapter Seven: A Love That Never Dies

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Because of the early bird I am, I woke up at 6:00 in the morning. Of course, no one is up. I stare at the ceiling, debating on whether or not to get out of bed. No, I am not tired, I just feel to lazy. If I was going to travel throughout all the districts on foot, I’m going to need to conquer my laziness. For practice, I decide to get up. I quietly get out from under the covers and climb out of bed. I tiptoe down the hall, trying not to wake up Jaz and Reece. I make my way to the kitchen and start making my coffee. As I plug in the coffee machine, I hear blankets rumbling from the living room. I almost forgot. Gale is there.

I make my coffee as quiet as I can. I sit down, holding the burning coffee cup in my hand. I glanced at the papers on the table. It was the plan. Honestly the plan was useless. From my years of trying to plan things out, I notice that plans don’t go as planned. I see that Grayson and Gale put in some more scribble scrabbles of drawings and words. There was literally no more blank spots on the paper.

More rumbling of blankets came from the living room. I peek inside the doorway, seeing Gale under the covers all the way. He began to snore loudly. I left him alone, letting him snore all he wants.

As I sit back down, I remember Johanna is suppose to come over today. We all need to explain the plan to her. I take another sip of my coffee and relax. This might be the only time I have to myself. With Gale and Grayson living in my house, I’ll never have any quiet time. Even without them two, I never have quiet time. Jaz and Reece always cry and scream over something so stupid. I miss living in my old house with no one to bother me. Surprisingly, I miss having to go out everyday to hunt for my family because my mother was in a state of depression. Speaking of my mother, I haven’t heard from her in so long. The last time I probably talked to her was when I was 19, over the phone. Telling her all about Greasy Sae’s death. She didn’t make it to the funeral because of her work. I wonder if she knows about Paylor. Is she in the main districts now? Is she trapped? The ‘what ifs’ began to bobble up in my head. What if she’s stuck? What if there torturing her right now? What if they already killed her?

Ever since Prim’s death, my mom couldn’t be in the same room as me. She decided to abandon me in District 12, and focus only on her work. For the first few weeks, I was depressed myself because of my mother. She chooses work over her own daughter after everything I done for her and Prim. I would sit in the kitchen and be lifeless. Sometimes I wouldn’t even get out of bed. I would starve myself. I attempted many of times to kill myself many times, but Greasy Sae would always catch me. Greasy Sae would always come over and make me breakfast lunch and dinner. Then me and Peeta started over. We became a thing and then eventually got married. I was still in the state of depression, but not as bad as before. When we had Jaz and Reece, I finally realized I was acting exactly like my mother did when my father died. I didn’t want to put my kids through this like I had to. I didn’t want them doing the work a mother should be doing. I finally snapped out of it, and enjoyed the fact that I have kids and a husband. My mother never called, and if she did it would be a 5 second thing. She would ask how am I and what’s new, and then say she has to go. And to think that if you left your own child, you would of apologized. Nope, not my mother. She never did. She never even mentioned it.

The sound of Gale snoring stopped. Instead, there is a loud yawn. Gale comes into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes with his hands. “Up early?” I say, taking the last sip of my coffee.” It’s a habit” he responds, walking over to the coffee machine. “Have a good sleep?” I ask, trying to start conversation. “As good as sleeping on a couch can get” Gale says, pouring coffee in a cup. “What happened to you liking the couch?” I say, putting my cup in the dish washer. “I like it. But tonight I should get the guest bedroom and Grayson can sleep here” Gale says, chugging his coffee down. “Its only fair”. “Well see” I respond.

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