Noora rolled her eyes just as a muffled sound rang against the wall of my room causing me to raise my head at the same time as Noora, more alert. " What was that ? "

Early enough, the strong, familiar voices of my brothers were heard letting me roll my eyes as Egil and Mathias suddenly exploded through my room.

"Give me that!"

"Nei! It's mine ! "

"Drittsekk, give it back to me!"

I gave a glance in the direction of Noora sighing causing a new laugh of the blonde before turning to the two idiots currently stuck in a headlock. "Boys! "

They instantly stopped by raising their heads simultaneously to look at me with wide eyes trying to act innocent despite their positions making me give them a visibly unimpressed expression.

"Out! Now!" I sighed as I signed the door only had no counting on Noora's laughter echoing through my computer.

"Noora!" The two said at the same time making me pinch the bridge of my nose as they soon joined me on my bed waving idiotically on my screen like two idiots.

"Hallo Beautiful." Said Egil making me raise my eyebrows on him in disbelief as Noora chuckled again in the fun.

"Hi, Egil, Mathias. What is happening ? "

The two boys watched visibly embarrassed to have been caught in their usual brawl before shaking their heads once again making me wonder again if it was not they the real twins.

It seems that my mother had the gift of making her last two pregnancies in two. I was obviously the eldest with Egil and Mathias second when I was two and then finally the last two, the real twins. Alexander and Ilyas. It was only eight years ago and our family were still recovering from the arrival of the two infernal tornadoes.

Although to be honest, Egil and Mathias were already two pains in my ass most of the time.

A slight knock against the door of my room made all of us raise our heads off my screen just to meet the loving look of our mother. " It's time. Everything is turned off."

"Aim... seriously? We were talking to Noora, mom." Mathias complained, sending a complete flirting wink towards Noora reminding me of those fuckboys from my high school.

"Seriously, guys." Repeated our mother, emphasizing her watch before shaking her head on the two idiots as they made their farewells to Noora before trampling out of my room. " Ten minutes. "

"Got it." I nodded in my mother's direction before watching as she closed the door all wishing a good night to Noora.

The blonde left a breath of laughter calling me. "Your family is really great. You don't want to adopt me? "

"Ew, for that one we would have to sell one of the twins." I sighed with a neutral face immediately collecting a flat roll of Noora's light gray eyes before I let out a slight chuckle."It would n't be such a bad idea at last. "

"Right, you'd be depressed without them." Snorted Noora with amusement making me sigh in agreement.

I gave a quick look at my clock before giving her a wink. "You're probably right. Anyway, I gotta go. See you tomorrow. "

"You always come picking me up, right?"

" Sure. "

"Bye. "

"Bye. "

Mandag 7: 23

The purest - Chris Schistad #WattPrideWhere stories live. Discover now