Chapter 68 - When It Ends

Start from the beginning

"Even after this contract ends-" I start but get cut off. 

"Even after the contract ends, you and Marshall will have to sign another contract before you go your separate ways." He explains. 

"What if-" I start but get cut off again. 

"There is no way, Tessa." Nick shakes his head. "You and Marshall can't be together. It's in the rules. Even after this contract ends, the next one that you have to sign states that you can't even talk eachother or be alone together." He adds. 

I look away from Nick and let out a small sigh as I squeeze my eyes shut and shake my head. What the hell did I get myself in to this time, damn it!

I know it's all going to end but I was just hoping that there would be some way out of it. Some way that will let Marshall and I stay together. 


I close my bedroom door behind me and make my way to the stairs. Sighing, I walk down the marble stairs and make my way towards Marshall's home studio. He's been in there all night and morning. 

Yesterday was Christmas and it wasn't exactly how I imagined it to be. Marshall didn't talk much and I didn't bother saying much to him either since I needed to think everything through. I didn't want us to argue right away.

Nathan left this morning to spend the day with his mom and the girls are staying with Kim today. As for Karla and Chris, they were supposed to come today but due to the snow, all flights are cancelled and they couldn't make it. 

Andrew and Jacob were planning on coming too but their flights are also cancelled. Liam went back to California and Nick spent Christmas with us yesterday and so did Blaire which was actually fun since I haven't seen her in a while. 

I was supposed to leave for New York the morning after Christmas but due to the weather i'm stuck here which I am grateful for since I can talk to Marshall but today is my last day and then I leave for New York early in the morning.

I knock on the studio door before I slowly push the handle down and open the door. I walk into the room and close the door behind me, making Marshall look up at me. Marshall drops his gaze down to the papers infront of him before he starts to sign them. 

"Hey." I clear my throat and walk towards him. 

"Sup." I hear him mumble. 

"You haven't stepped out of your studio all morning." I say as I stand infront of his desk.

"Yeah...I've been busy." He shrugs. 

"Can we talk?" I sigh. 

"Tess, I'm ehr, kinda busy." He says slowly.

"It's going to all end." I say, making him look up at me. 

"What?" He says in confusion. 

"That's why you were angry, right?" I raise my brow but get no answer. "You didn't want Nathan to find out about us because he's going to think that we might still be a couple after the contract." I say, making Marshall drop his gaze to his lap. 

"We're going to have to split up once the contract ends." Marshall says as I walk towards him. Marshall slowly pushes his chair back, letting me sit down on the edge of his desk, right infront of him. 

"There's no way of us being together." I sigh. "I asked Nick and he said that Leroy said, that we have to sign another contract which says that we can't even talk to eachother." I tell him, making him sigh as he look away from me and at the far wall. 

"So what? I get three years with you?" He says. 

"Three years." I nod. "So let's make the most of it." I say, making him quickly look at me. 

"Why ain't you bothered about the amount of time we have together before we're forced to split up?" He asks. 

"Because." I say as I stand up and sit down on his lap. "Right now, I want this amount of time that we have to be spent together without arguing or fighting. I want to spend our time not worrying about the contract." I say.

Marshall sighs as he places his hand on my leg and leans back against the chair. He squeezes his eyes shut and clenches his jaw. Niether of us say anything for the next few minutes until Marshall break the silence. 

"It's going to kill me to leave you, you know that?" He whispers as he opens his eyes and tucks my hair behind my ear. 

"I know." I smile at him sadly. "But not as bad as its going to hurt me." I say, Marshall let's out a small sad laugh as he pushes my head foward and places his lips on mine and kisses me softly. 

"I don't think that's possible." He mumbles. "I'm not going to take another moment with your for granted." He says, making me smile lightly as he strokes my cheek with his thumb. 

"Promise me something." I say. 

"Anything." Marshall shrugs.

"Promise me that you won't stop talking to me." I say before it goes quiet between us. "When it ends. When all of this contract ends, promise me you won't forget about me and promise me you won't stop loving me. Promise me that you will be by my side forever." I say. 

"I promise." Marshall says as he tucks my hair behind my ear. "And I don't think I can ever stop loving you, Tess." He adds, making me smile. I lean foward and place my lips on his as I place my hand on his cheek and kiss him. 

"I love you." I tell him as I move back and watch him smile at me softly. 

"I love you too." He says, making me smile. I place my head on his chest and let him wrap his arms around me. "And I promise that I will do everything in my power to stay with you Tess." Marshall says as he strokes my hair. 

"I promise that too." I mumble. 

We both know its impossible to be together. Our careers could end if we don't follow the damn contract but I would choose Marshall over my career anyday. I just hope he would too.

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