I look up, and see Chloe holding an envelope in her hand. An invitation for her stupid party. An invitation which I'd rejected.... Well, not really. I'm going.. but I'm not going.... Let's just say, I'm going as Cat Noir. BUT ONLY BECAUSE LADYBUG IS COMING, OKAY ?! IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH CHLOE.

I'm going because I want to have a dance with my Ladybug, and if I go as Adrien, the results will be like Fevi kwik. (A/N : I don't think it is sold outside India, so I'll just say this - Fevi kwik is literally the fastest glue you can find. If you get it anywhere on yourself, consider yourself unlucky)

"No, Chloe. Sorry, but I can't come. I have somewhere to be." I say.

"And where would that be ?" she asks.

"You don't need to know everything about my life, Chloe." I say. 

"I have every right to." She says.

I open my mouth, about to state that she has no control over my life, and that she needs to respect people's privacy, but she doesn't give me the chance.

"Stop being so difficult, okay ?! Just be there. I'm going to ask Daddy to talk to your father and that gorilla and you're coming no matter what." And with that, she sashays out of the room. I quickly duck under the bench and resume my search.

Where did he go ?


"So, cookies are her favourite food, huh ?" Alya says from behind me, as I face the tray of freshly baked cookies, waiting for them to cool.

"More like the only thing she eats. She refuses to touch anything else." I reply, taking a couple of warm cookies and sitting opposite to Alya. I open my purse and let out a little scream, dropping the cookies on the table. Tikki flew out with an incomprehensible expression, followed by another kwami, who unlike Tikki was completely black except for his green eyes.

"Um.. Marinette.. this is Plagg.. he is Cat Noir's kwami... and he somehow found me... I don't know how though..." Tikki explains, stumbling on her words every now and then.

"Well, I guess he better go back to Cat then." Alya says with a smirk. "Poor guy must be looking all over for Plagg." 

"Well, I would, but my poor body, is aching all over from sitting for such a long time... Maybe, if I had some Camembert, I'd be fine..." He whines. Alya chortles.

"Of all things, Camembert ?" She asks. Tikki rolls her eyes playfully.

"I'll go get a slice." I say, and walk into the kitchen.


Mumbling under my breath angrily, I walk into Marinette's bakery.

"Can I get a box of.." I say, hiding my frustration. But then it changes to utter surprise and relief when I see him sitting on a table between Alya and Marinette, munching on a slice of Camembert. "...macaroons ?" 

The girls look up and immediately greet me with grins. I however, stare at Plagg whose eyes widen upon seeing me.  

"Oh ! A-Adrien ! How nice to see you here.... I-I'll get your macaroons away right.. I-I mean right away ! J-just wait a sec..." Marinette stutters, then quickly walks into the kitchen to get them. Plagg quickly swallows the rest of the cheese and turns to Alya.

"I better get going. Don't want Master Noir to get mad at we, now would we ?" He says, and floats out of the nearest window to God-knows-where. I stare at the window 

"Here you are !" Marinette says, handing me a box. I mutter a thanks and go out, only to be greeted by Plagg, leisurely floating outside and not even caring that someone could've seen him.

"Nice timing, but next time please do come a little later." Plagg whines, like he always does.

"You wait.." I say, threateningly, but then a shriek that vaguely sounds like 'EEEETANGMIIIII!!!!!!' is heard. I just shrug it off. I'd recognise that fangirl-tone anywhere.

A/N : So....

Did you watch the first three episodes of season 7 ?

I still can't believe I'm watching the new season a week after it started... I really need someone to keep tabs on the dates.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. (Oh ! And we're gonna see Dash's parents this season... And Fluttershy has this.. 'Dream Career'.... And Big Mac has a crush)

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