First Impressions

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I just don't get it.

Five minutes ago, Chloe was a regular dumb teenager. 

Now she's a lazer-zapping freak.

And the only thing I like about this change is her outfit. 

About the thing I hate most... The way she's eyeing me. Like I'm a prey.

And before I even realize it, she's right in front of me. And the next moment I'm slammed into the wall behind me.

 "Look who we have here." She smiles in a creepy way. "Rainbow Dash. I'll make sure your condition is worse than that of others !" 

Chloe raises a hand into the air, and a glowing orb of light starts forming in it. Her other hand is around my throat, holding me against the wall. 

I close my eyes and clench my fists, waiting for the impact. The worst that can happen is me in a pink lacey dress. 

But it never happens. 

Intsead, I hear a Thunk ! and a Ouch ! and and feel myself being pulled by something. Away from the attack. And hopefully from Paris and all this misery.  

The next thing I know, I'm lying on my side on the cold marble floor. I blink open my eyes, and see two people. A girl in a red spandex jumpsuit (and mask) with black polka dots, who was spinning a yo-yo, which was also red with black dots. Beside her is a guy in a black leather suit. He, too, is wearing a black mask. He catches a silver rod which shrinks into a baton. Probably whatever hit Chloe.

So, these are the superheroes of Paris ? And they have a yo-yo and a baton for weapons ? Not very reassuring.

"What are you looking at ?" The boy says. "GO !"

I get on to my feet and try to make a run for my room, but then, there's the thick crowd. And I end up in the wrong corridor.

I see a girl running towards the chaos, phone in hand. Puzzled by her weird behaviour, I call out to her.

"Hey, wait ! Where do you think you're going ?" I ask.

"The Akuma attack. Duh." She says. Then looks at me like her eyes are scanning something. "You're new here, right ? Well, I guess I need to tell you, well, everything."


Once the hall empties a bit more, I glare at the... what's her name again ? I'll just call her Chloe for now.

"Look, Chloe, I don't know why you're doing it, but you must stop." I say, spinning my yo-yo.

"I'm not Chloe." She says, pointing her weapon, a fancy parasol, at me. "I'm the embassador." (A/N : If you don't get it, it's like 'embarrass' and 'ambassador' combined)

Really, Hawkmoth ? Really ?

Of all the people, it had to be Chloe ?

And I thought my poetry skills were gone along with Valentine's day. Turns out that isn't the case.

Embassador shoots a ray at me, and I manage to deflect it with my yo-yo.  Cat tries to disarm her, and she diverts her attention to him. While they both fight, I try to find the item where the Akuma is hidden. I notice that the sunglasses perched on top of her big head are purple. 

So that's where the Akuma is located. 

I go behind her, planning a sneak attack to grab the glasses. 

Rainbooms in ParisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora