
I sat in the waiting room, my knee bouncing uncontrollably due to nerves as my mind raced, my thoughts consuming me. I hadn't even realized Al and DeVante had walked in until DeVante snapped his fingers in front of my face.

My eyes slowly focused on him, analyzing his tense body language and facial expression that revealed his anger. I remained quiet, unsure what to say and not wanting to upset him more than he already was.

"Mary", he said.

I sighed, preparing myself for whatever he had to say, "Yes, DeVante?"

"Is she okay? And why the hell did you go back to the apartment?", he inquired, now standing in front of me with his chest heaving with his nostrils flaring and jaw clenched. Choose your words wisely, Mary.

I wasn't going to lie—DeVante scared me. But I couldn't be dishonest about what happened. After all, it's my best friend we're talking about. I chewed at my bottom lip nervously, avoiding eye contact, "Yeah, she just got out of surgery. They had to, uh, you know... stitch up her...", I trailed off, gesturing toward my lap. His hands had formed into fists as he tried to process all that I was telling him but I continued anyhow, hoping he wouldn't knock my ass out, "We ended up back at the apartment because Rhonda was telling me about all that Nasir had done to her place so I—." I paused, cutting myself off as I lowered my head, staring at the floor.

"You what?", he asked, his voice laced with frustration and anger as he glared down at me. "Mary, quit fuckin' with me."

Tears coated my eyes before escaping and rolling down my cheeks as I shook my head, "I asked if I could take a look it, just to see if she was exaggerating." I inhaled a shaky breath, usin my fingers to wipe underneath my eyes, "It was so stupid. I should've known she wasn't but I just really didn't want to go back home and—"

"So you mean to tell me you risked her life because you didn't want to go home?", he asked, stepping closer to me. "You lucky you a female because I swear to you...", he trailed off as he began to pound his fist into the palm of his other hand, pressing his lips into a thin line while looked away from me. I could tell me wanted to hit me but restrained himself. Shit, if I were him, I would hit me. Al placed his hand on DeVante's shoulder as a non-verbal way to tell him to calm down. He closed his eyes briefly, inhaling and exhaling before his cold gaze fell upon me. It gave me goosebumps. "I'ma say this one time  and one time only so you make sure you listenin'", he started to say. "I don't want you comin' around Rhonda no more. Don't call, don't page, don't email, don't telegram, don't do shit."


"But nothin'!", he yelled back and people siting in the waiting room turned their head in our direction. He lowered his voice, gritting his words through his teeth, "Are. we. clear?"

I nodded my head, grabbing my purse and tossing the long strap over my shoulder before grabbing my jacket and rising to my feet, clearing my throat, "I'm sorry. Honestly."

He didn't respond, instead he just pointed toward the exit. I took that as my cue, quickly leaving out of the hospital, feeling shitty. I had ruined my friend's life, almost positive that she wouldn't be the same even once she physically recovered. Things like this change people. Could be in a good way, but it also could be bad. Either way, I was sure she wouldn't want anything to do with me. After all, it was my fault she was even in the situation she was in. I huffed, glancing around the empty street of New York City, which was slightly damp from the rain that had fallen earlier. Shoving my hands into my front pockets, I walked along the sidewalk with no destination.

Now I was left with no one to talk to or care for me. It was the loneliest I had felt in a long time.



Just as I thought, Mary was a bad influence. Who the fuck would tell their friend to go put themselves in harm's way for their own gain? That shit had me heated.

I had taken a seat in the waiting room, sitting next to Al who was talking aloud as he tried to figure out who the other guy's had to have been that was involved in the rape, saying that it could've been the same guys who helped Nasir rob me. He had a point but I wasn't in the mood to play Inspector Gadget right now. I could deal with that later. As of this moment, my focus was on Rhonda being okay.

The act was ruthless and evil. No man of God would do something like that to a woman so innocent and kind. Rhonda was the most forgiving person I knew. She was the light that kept me out of the dark, as it would constantly try to take me under. Her laugh, her smile, her smell, her voice, the way she looked at me as if she could see into my soul, the way she knew exactly what to say or what I was thinking, always willing to help others and putting herself last—they were all these I valued. I wasn't quite sure what I would do without her. She meant everything to me, filling the void of my father's absence with unconditional love. She understood me like no other and because of my ego and obsession with being her first, she was stuck with Mary's ignorant ass. At the point, I didn't even care about the sex. I just wanted to take advantage of every minute spent with her, regardless of what it might be. Life was something that shouldn't be taken for granted and in a matter of a month, both of us were shown just how short it could be. I wanted to be there for her like she was for me. Take care of her this time.

I turned to see a doctor walking toward the waiting room with clipboard in hand. "Rhonda Baker", he called out.

I stood up immediately making my way over to him, "Hey, doc. I'm her boy—best friend. Donald DeGrate. Is she okay?"

He gave me a nod as he looked down at his clipboard, reading the sheet of paper, "Yes. She's stitched up and has been prescribed pain medication. She's currently sleeping."

"Great! Okay, uh, can we go in yet?", I inquired, eager to see her and just hold her hand.

He sighed and made eye contact with me, "Look, about that..." He trailed off, with a look of empathy. "It seems that Ms. Baker checked the box for no visitors so we can't allow you to see her."

I looked at him, confused, "Nah, that can't be right. Are you sure?"


I glanced over at Al then back at the doctor, "Well there has to be some mistake. She would want to see me, I know it." I knew we had a argument but I doubt she would check that bullshit. "Maybe she was drugged up when she signed it because this doesn't sound like her. Not the Rhonda I know. She wouldn't do that. Can I please see her? Wake her up or somethin', doc. I need to see her."

"I'm sorry, Mr. DeGrate. No visitors. Whenever she wakes up we will ask again to clarify but she wasn't given any medication before she signed the form. I'm sorry."

"Bullshit!", I exclaimed, growing overwhelmed as I tried to wrap my head around why she wouldn't want to see me. It ain't like I did anything to her. Just argued. That was normal for us.

Al put his hand on my shoulder but i shrugged it off, "Come on, b. Calm down. We can just come back and sort it out in the mornin'."

I paced a bit before turning to walk toward the exit, knocking over the rack of newspapers by the doorway on my way out.

Why would she shut me out? She wouldn't do that. Would she?

' 𝗬𝗢𝗨 𝗦𝗘𝗡𝗗 𝗠𝗘 𝗦𝗪𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗜𝗡 ' › D. SWINGحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن