Third Death And New Arrival

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Pov Wheeljack
In the morning, I heard crying. Poking my head out the door, I saw Raf peering into Bee 's room and was crying.

Oh no, that must mean...
I ran to him. He was outside of Bees room. I took a look inside. Bright blue energon everywhere and Bee on the floor. He was dead.
Ultra Magnus was third to see the body. His room being next to Bee's "A body has been found! Everyone has time to investigate."
I heard Tiger in the dining hall, so I walked in. "Tiger?" She was crying. During times like these she was with Smokescreen. Where is he?
"Oh, Wheeljack."
"Are you okay?" I sat next to her.
"Who was it?"
It made her more upset to hear that. Bee, who endured the most was dead.
"Tiger?" Smoke called as he walked in. "Smokescreen, do you know?" She asked about Bee
"Yeah." He sighed. "How about the three of us investigate?"
"Sure." I said. Tiger and I stood up. Smoke wrapped an arm around her.
Im sure they know by now, that before they lost their memories, they were lovers. They looked in the kitchen area while I looked in the dining hall. Before I went to check another room, I saw Smokescreen walking with a slight limp.

"Uh, Smoke? Are you ok? You're limping."
"Yeah. My leg just hurts a bit. I tripped over Tiger's bed post after dropping her off last night."
I could tell he was lying.

"Oh, well, I'll leave you two to investigate then." I said.

I walked off to look for Magnus and Optimus or any of the humans. Unable to find any, I sighed and started to look myself. I started on the second floor before remembering that the third floor was open.

Unlocked doors, just as Megatronous promised. I opened one and saw a long staircase.
"First to see the third floor?"
He was not there a second ago. Megatronous laughed, "Didn't mean to scare you! Actually I totally meant to scare you."
"Uh, okay? What do you want?"
"You guys were so boring last night, wouldn't even go to see the next floor." I clenched my fists at the thought of last night.

"Do you have any idea what happened to Smokescreen?"
"Uh, yeah. Everything. And yes, he actually did trip on Tiger's bed leg. But that's not what caused him to limp."

"Then what did?"
Megatronous smiled at put a finger to his lips. "I can't tell you, but you'll figure it out eventually. Probably at the trial."
"Thanks." I said sarcastically. I started to walk up the steps.

The third floor wasn't anything much, but in the corner was a bot. I thought I was the first up here?
It was a purple and black bot, not any I knew.
"Uh, hello?"

The bot whipped around to face me. The thing had freakishly long arms, but overall it had no face. Déjà vu, I feel like I knew this guy from somewhere. As if I fought him before even. Course I don't quite remember.

"This is Waveous. He will be taking my place for a few days as I take a short leave. "

Megatronous said, who was right behind me.
"Gah! Would you stop doing that?!"
Megatronous laughed,
"Not sorry. But anyway, where was I?"
"You were about to leave?" I asked.
"Oh yes! That's right."
I rolled my optics.
"Wavous here will take my place for a few days."

"Well, someone will need to hold your trial for the little bot's death! And also to keep an eye on you guys. We can't leave you here alone!"

"Well thank you for being so, so kind for sending a supervisor to watch us die." I said sarcastically.
"Your welcome."
I rolled my optics again.
Pov: Raf
He's dead. The one I trusted the most, was dead. I sobbed until Amber came. She hugged me tight.
"I'm so sorry." She said.
"Bee was killed with a knife, and I'm sorry to say, but I think it was the same one that killed Cliff." Ultra said.
"Guys did you see this?" Madi asked. It was too big for her to pick up, but it was a long metal pipe. From where it was, it looked like someone threw it there.

"Where in the freaking computer code did that come from?!" I shouted.
"I don't know. Maybe the weapons rack. Or the third floor." Miko whispered in my ear.
I jumped. She came out of her room!!! But she had bags under her eyes and her cheeks were stained red. I guess she didn't sleep.

"Miko, you came out of your room?"
"Yeah, I guess so. I figured I should help. It doesn't mean that I'm not upset about Bulk though." She sighed.

Jack walked into the room, but stopped and backed out when he saw Miko.
" Hey guys... I got good news and I got bad news." Wheeljack walked in.
"Good news first please." I said.
" well, Megatronous has left for a while."
"And the bad?"
"Come meet Waveous."

Everyone followed Wheeljack to the commons area, where Megatronous and Wavous waited.

"I assume Wheeljack told you about Waveous. Nevertheless, I'll be on my way." Megatronous replied.
Waveous watched him leave before walking away. He didn't speak a word.

"Okay then."

An announcement played, telling us that the investigation time was done, but it sounded garbled, as if recorded. Probably Waveous playing it.

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