The First Death

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Amber POV
Two people missing, well they're better off somewhere else than here.

I didn't want to tell Tiger, but, I have suspicions between her and Megatronous. The entire time he was there, I noticed that he was almost always staring at her. But if she was like me, she didn't remember much.
"Uh, Tiger, do you remember anything?"
"Not much. My name, the super Autobot level, and someone else's name. But I don't think it's the same guy."

"What do you mean it's not the same guy?" I asked her
"I don't know, it doesn't feel like the same guy."
"Who's name is it?"
"Yeah, that's the first thing I thought of when I woke up, where is smokescreen? And who is he?"
Odd, If Tiger remembers his name, then maybe they had a deep connection somehow?
"Weird, but do you really think there is someone else named Smokescreen?"
She laughed, "No, I guess not."
"Maybe it's just whatever took our memory away." I said
"Yeah, maybe"

Smokescreen Pov
I felt deep down inside that I shouldn't spy on Tiger, but for some reason, she was a name I remembered before we had roll call. I heard her say she remembered the name smokescreen, and Amber and her talking about it. What in the Allspark?

"Hey, are you ok?" Madi asked me
"Tiger says she remembers my name."
"Woah, really?"
"Yeah, the strangest thing is that I remember hers too."
"For real? This obviously means something!"
"I know right? Before roll call I remembered her name."
"Don't you think you two should tell each other?"
"Maybe." I looked over in Tigers direction, and she was looking back.

I sighed before walking up to the two girls with Madi on my shoulder.
"Uh, guys. Can we... Uh, talk?"
I couldn't form words in my mouth, causing Madi to face plant.
"Sure. Want to talk here or..."
"Let's go to my room." I motioned her to my door, which was right next to her.
We walked in, and Madi and Amber climbed/flew up onto my bedside table.
Just as I was about to explain, a scream came from down the hall.

Madi even screamed herself and nearly fell off the table.
"What in the Allspark?!" I yelled, and all of us ran/flew to where the scream was heard.

No... No no no!!!!
There was a murder. An announcement rang.
"There has been a murder! You now got time to investigate who did it!"
I stared down at the body. Why Cliff? Why were you the first to go?

I heard Miko scream, she looked even greener than Bulkhead.
"Time to i-investigate? T-to see who d-d-did it?" Bumblebee said, shaking.
"We need to gather clues to what the murderer used or if there is any evidence to what happened." Amber said.
"Should we split up?" Madi asked.
"We should investigate the body first." Amber said

Arcee pushed Ratchet forward. "You're a medic! You're good at this stuff!"
"Come on. We have to work together." Ratchet grumbled.
"I feel as if someone heaved on my floor mats." Bulk said.

"Look at the wounds guys, if we can figure out what made the wounds, then we can figure out the weapon and who did the murder." Tiger said. She bent down, and touched the large chest wound in Cliff's body.
"Ew! Gross! Ugh, I'm going to be sick." Miko said still looking green

I looked at Tiger as she inspected, and noticed that her eyes were wet. She was crying.
I the next thing I know, is that my arms were wrapped around her. I don't even remember doing so. Bee also had tears in his eyes.
Did, perhaps, in the life we have no memory of, they were family? I could see the similarities in the three.

"O-one large p-puncture wound in the chest. I-it d-doesn't s-seem like t-there is anything e-else."
Tiger was sobbing now. She stood up and cried into my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight.
Bee couldn't stop staring at Cliff. Tears ran down his face.
"C'mon, Bee, let's go find some clues." Raf said softly. Bee wiped the tears from his eyes and followed Raf.
The very air itself seemed like it was filled with dread.

"Shh. It'll be alright. I promise to protect you Tiger. I promise." I whispered in her ear.

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