The Second Murder

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Pov: Ultra Magnus
The next morning arrived and it seems like everyone is fine. No deaths yet, and I hope that there won't be one. The humans ate their breakfast while the bots talked. Bumblebee sat at a table by himself, his head resting on the table. I sat in the seat across from him.
"Are you doing ok?" I asked him
"Yeah. I guess so." He said glumly.
Now that I noticed it, there was little to no energy in the dining hall. Everyone seems down.

Despite Bee telling me he was fine, he started crying again.
"Why are you so upset about CliffJumper? I understand it was hard to see him and Ratchet go, but..."
"He was my brother. I am sure of it. Or family in someway. We didn't really get to talk. But I just know..."

Raf walked to our table. When he noticed Bee crying again, he ran. He sat next to Bumblebee. "Bee, are you okay?" He leaned against Bee's head.
"No really, I'm fine." He said weakly.

"How about you try to get some rest BumbleBee. It might help." I offered.
"Thanks Magnus, but no thanks. I'll just have nightmares." Bee got up and picked up Raf, putting him on his shoulder and walking away.

I sat alone for awhile, thinking about last nights trial. I don't blame Ratchet for killing Cliff, I blame Megatronous, for imprisoning us here. I sighed, I looked over at the other tables. Madi was still reading that book from yesterday, though I don't think the medical field is her thing. Smokescreen was talking with Tiger Spot about something. About remembering? I only heard a small part of their conversation.
Pov: Smokescreen
"So we both remembered each other's name's?" I said in a low voice.
"Yeah," Tiger said.

"Why do you think?"
"I don't know. It's just, confusing. My head hurts so much every time I try to remember about before here."
"Mine just turns up blank."
Tiger laid her head in my lap, since we were sitting on the floor.
"I don't know what to do Smoke. Cliff and Ratch are gone. If there is another one gone, I'll shatter."

"I know how it feels." I said. "And poor Bumblebee. I just feel so bad for him." I heard Tiger sigh. "Yeah." She agreed.

Amber came running in. "Tiger, Megatronous wants to speak with you."
"Why didn't he come himself?"
"He said that I would go or he would kill one of the humans."
"Fine, I'll go." I stood up. "Where is he?"
"He's waiting in the Library."

Tiger got up and pushed me back down. "Smoke, I'll go. Hes asking for me. If you go, it might cause more trouble.

I looked down at the floor. "Okay."
I watched her walk away. I hope she'll be okay. But what if Megatronous kills her? I wouldn't be able to live if that happened.

Pov tiger.
I walked towards the library, and saw Megatronous sitting in a chair.
" sit." He pointed to the chair next to him.
"What do you want?" I growled.
He chuckled amusingly. "Have no memory and still you hate me."

"Yeah, Cliff and Ratchet are dead because of you." I said. "And what do you mean by, still?"

"Never mind. So, how do you like my mansion?"

I hesitated, "Eh, it's ok, I guess."

"Well, if you think it's ok now, you'll like it better when we reach the third floor."
"We'll never reach there, because I'm going to prevent any more murders from happening."
"Yes, rea..." A sudden scream filled the air, cutting off my sentence.
"Go. Go figure out who screamed. See you at the trial."

I ran from Megatronous, and to the where the screams were heard.

Before I got to see the body, the announcement boomed.
"Why? Wasn't two enough?" I thought to myself.
The screams didn't cease as I got nearer and nearer. When I arrived, I almost cried. The screams were from Jack, who was looking at Arcee. Arcee was gone.

When I saw Arcee, I nearly collapsed. No, not another. Not another bot. This can't be happening. I heard others running down the hall to see what happened. "Oh no..." I heard Smoke said.
"This can't be happening" I said trying to fight the tears.

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