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Tiger pov
"Wake up you miserable guests!" A voice boomed, causing me to jump and bang my head against the ceiling.
"Who said that? Where am I?" I thought

Ow! My head! And Since when was I a house guest? And Where's Smokescreen?

"And who's Smokescreen?" I thought. "Why am I so concerned about whoever that is?"
All I could remember is that my name was Tiger Spot, that I was an Autobot Predacon, and the name Smokescreen

I guess this is my room then. There isn't anything really in here, besides a small drawer and a bed big enough for me. I got up and opened the door at the end of the room. Smokescreen. I wonder why I have that small piece of memory.

Walking out into the hall, a mech was also coming out his room.
"Uh, hi. Do you have any idea where I am?" The red horned guy asked.

"No Idea." I said. Thank goodness there were more of us here. "I'm Tiger Spot."
"Cliff Jumper"

He seemed familiar somehow.
"Want to come to the dining hall with me? I saw some walking in that direction." He pointed to the right where a sign read.

"Yeah, sure." I followed him down the hallway to the Dining Hall, where fourteen other mechs waited for something.

They were murmuring amongst themselves, and one waved as we sat down. There was a roar of engines and a gray bot with purple engine fires flew to the front of the table. He transformed and grinned evilly.
"Hello. My name is Megatronous. I am your advisor."

No one spoke when he arrived except for a black and yellow bot.
"What are we doing here?" He asked.

"Why, you are my esteemed guests. But you cannot leave. Not with a murder."
"What?!" Many yelled, though as few said it rather than yell.

"Why?! Why Murder?!" The same black and yellow bot said, his bright blue optics wide in fear.

"If you want to escape, of course! You have to kill another and not get caught. And when there is a murder, three other mechs, or humans, must see the body before the trial." Megatronous said.

I glanced nervously at the others, but a red and blue, and a buff red, blue, and white with wings had little to no expression.
"Why us?" A human, I guess, asked. He had red glasses.

"Why, to try out my Sickly Base Mansion. all of you are the first to stay here." Megatronous said with a smirk.

The others looked around.
"Well, introduce each other." Megatronous pointed to Cliff, who was at the end of the table and next to me. "You start."
All optics and eyes turned to him, and he sighed before standing up.
"I'm Cliff Jumper. Preferably Cliff."

"I'm Tiger Spot." I said. I looked around to who would be next.
"Bumblebee." The yellow and black bot said.
"Um, I'm Raf." The one with red glasses said.
"Smokescreen." The red, blue, and white bot said, sounding monotone.

I whipped my head around. Smokescreen? Was it the same guy I remembered the name of?
I shook my head. Probably not.
"Wheeljack is in the house!" The green, white, and red mech yelled, leaning his chair back before falling to the floor, causing several people to laugh.
"Madi." The human looked different. She had wings, and a tail. What in the Allspark?
"Optimus Prime." The bulky mech who had no expression earlier said.
"Ultra Magnus."
"Miko!!! Has anyone heard of rock and roll here?!?" A human girl yelled.
"YUSS. Slash Monkey?" Bulk asked.
"Are you my long lost brother?" Milo made puppy eyes at Bulk.
The boy next to Miko looked at her confused. "Jack, and Miko, you're not even the same species."
"So what?"
Jack just sighed and face planted.
"I'm Amber." The last human was like Madi, not looking human. She looked like a mix of mech and of human.
"Ratchet." The last mech, right across from Cliff said.

"Good! Now that we all know each other, all of you hopeless mechs and humans should know your 'Super Autobot Levels', Right?" Megatronous said. Apart from remembering Smokescreen's name, I remember my Super Autobot Level, whatever that may mean.

"Uh... You mean that random jumble of words I remember?" Miko asked.
Going in the same order, we said ours.

"Dare Devil"

"Well, that's all for today, you guys can go explore!"

Just as he appeared, Megatronous flew out of the room, leaving all of us to explore.
Miko and Bulk stuck together, obviously. I was tempted to talk to Smokescreeen, to figure out why I could only remember his name. He was looking awfully nervous, which didn't seem like him.
"Hey!" The one with wings and a tail said.
"Oh, hello." Smoke said.
"We should partner up, you know, to explore?" Madi said.
"Uh, yeah, sure thing."
The walked down the hall together, exploring the rooms.
"You seem very familiar, like I've known you before." Madi said.
"You too, I'm not sure why though." Smoke said. "Hey, do you want to be, you know, friends?" He asked.
"Of course!" Madi said with a wag of her tail.

I stood up and saw Amber walking towards me. "Want to partner up?" She asked
"Sure." I shrugged.
"Seriously, why does everyone here seem familiar, and why does it feel like there's two people missing?" She asked.
"Two people missing?" Now that I thought of it, it did feel like an empty place was here.
"Yeah. Two humans."
"Wait, you're not human?"
"Isn't it obvious?" She started running quickly around me, and I laughed. "Red energon. Nice."

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