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Pov: Bumblebee
I can't believe there has been a murder already. I can't believe Cliff is dead. I can't believe we have to be here. I can't believe anything! I feel like I can't trust anyone now! Why can't we live here in peace? Yes, we would be here forever, but we can make a new life out of it? Can't we?! I know that Cliff and I were family, I can feel it. I just know it's true.

I wiped the tears from my optics as the little human, Raf, leaned against my head. "Bee, I'm sorry about Cliff. I wish there was something I could do. I feel like you and I are close. Close like brothers almost. It hurts me to see you like this." He whispered to me.
I gave him a small pat on the head with one of my fingers. "I'll be fine Raf. Let's just focus on the task.

Raf was someone that I could trust. We probably knew each other before our memories were erased. Before any of this happened. We investigated the Dining Hall area and Kitchen area. Nothing really caught my eye.
"Should we look somewhere else? Nothing seems out of place." I asked Raf.
Raf gasped, "Bee! Look!"
Something, hidden under a table, was covered with fresh energon.

I bent down and picked it up, trying not to puke. It was a knife. Where in the world would anyone got a knife?

I ran back to the others were, knife in hand and making sure that Raf was with me still.
"Guys! Guys! We found something!" Everyone else has left to investigate except for Smokescreen, Tiger, Ratchet, and Arcee.

Tiger took the knife from me
"This has to be it." Tiger whispered. She looked at the verge of tears again

"I'll take it, Tiger." Smoke offered.

"Ok." She handed it over and bent back down to Cliff.
"Why did it have to be you? Why you again?" She said.
"Again?" I asked.
"What? Did I say something?"
"Yeah, you did. You said, why you again? Has he died before?"
"I... I don't know. I just have a feeling that he has before."

"Strange" I said. "But I don't think this is enough evidence to find out who the murderer was."

"Here, give it to me." Ratchet said, holding out his hand. Smoke handed it to him, and I watched as he scanned it. "There are 5 different sets of prints on here. One of them, are the murder's. The other 4, are the 4 of us who just touched it."

"Can you tell who it was then?" Arcee asked.

"No. Not immediately. First, I need to know what your prints look like, and then at the trial, figure out the rest."

Ratchet nodded and scanned ours, eliminating the ones off the blade.
He also scanned arcee's, since she was there.

"The murderer isn't any of us here" Ratchet said.

" Well, good. I don't want anyone stabbing me." Smokescreen joked, causing Tiger to glare at him. Wow. Déjà vu. I've seen that happen before somewhere.

"Perhaps we should investigate somewhere else?" Tiger asked

"Yeah. I can't look at him much longer in this state. This is just too sad." I say.

Pov: Arcee
I couldn't look at Cliff any longer so I went to investigate somewhere else. I went to the library see if anyone else was there. I walked in and saw Bulkhead and Miko in there.
"Hey, find anything?" I asked.

"No. You?" Bulk asked.
"Bee found a knife. We found prints belonging to the murderer on it, but we're not sure who's it is yet."

"That's a big piece of evidence! Shouldn't we go around and see who they belong to, right?" Miko asked
"Miko, I don't think that would work." Bulk said.

"Well, it was a bot, not a human. The size is too big. So we have an idea. For sure, it's not Tiger, Smokescreen, Ratchet, Bee, or me. Come on. Let's go prove you innocent, Bulk." I motioned him to follow me when another announcement rang
"Investigation time is over! Please head to the commons for the trial!"

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