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Pov Arcee
I walked to the commons with Bulk where everyone else was waiting. Megatronous was standing on the stage. Not long after we walked in, Madi flew in with Amber.
"Are we all here then? Good! Good!" Megatronous said. I hate his happy mood when something awful just happened.

"So I declare this trial open. We are discussing the murder of CliffJumper." I looked at the seat next to me, where a picture of Cliff was. "And as you noticed, he will be attending our trail, cause it would be not nice to exclude him."
Ratchet stood up. "We haven't found much evidence, unless someone would like to add something?" Everyone stayed quiet, causing Ratchet to sigh. "Bumblebee found a knife in this very room covered in energon, which was declared to be the weapon to kill Cliff. There are 5 sets of fingerprints on it, 4 of them already declared. The5th one, we are sure that it is the murderer's."

"Well, do you know who the prints belong to?" Raf asked.
"No," Ratchet said.
"Or maybe, instead of actual evidence, someone saw something?" Madi asked. "For example, does anyone know what Cliff was doing before he died?"

"We all were exploring." I said.
"Yeah, but who was Cliff's partner?" Everyone ( except Optimus and Magnus) froze.

"Did Cliff even have a partner?" Jack asked. "Yeah, I didn't see him with anyone." Miko said.
"Well who partnered up with who? Once we know that, we can rule out who was with Cliff." I said.
"I was with Smoke" Madi said.
"I was with Tiger" Amber said.
"And I was with Raf." Bee said.
"I partnered up with Arcee." Jack said.
"Obviously I was with Bulk!" Miko said. It got quiet for a minute.
"That still leaves Optimus, Wheeljack, and Ultra Magnus."

"What were you guys doing while investigating?" Miko questioned, pointing and pouting her lip.

"Tiger, Ratchet, Arcee, and I stayed by the body, and Bee investigated the Dining hall with Raf, like Ratchet said before." Smoke said "Bulk and I were investigating in the Library." Miko said.

"Well, I was checking out my room before he died, and then looked at his after. Same as ours." Wheeljack laid back in his chair again, once again falling.
"I was in the kitchen after. Magnus and I were talking here before." Optimus said.

"Ok, did any of you three find any evidence?" Madi said.

All three shook their heads.
"Give me your hands." Ratchet said. The three held out their hands, and Ratchet scanned them. "What the... It's not any of them."

"But how?! We know it couldn't have been Tiger, Smoke, Ratchet, or Arcee, right? And it couldn't have been any human. Now we know it's not Optimus, Magnus or Wheeljack." Bee said.
"Bee, how do you know that Arcee didn't do it?" Raf said.
"I-I-don't" Bumblebee's optics widened.

All eyes and optics turned to me. "Hey! Don't look at me! Jack was with me the whole time!"
"Jack? Is it true?"
"Wait a second!" Madi spoke up. "Ratchet. Who were you with?"

"I-I wasn't with anyone."

"And you're the only one who can scan the fingerprints? How do we know that there aren't 5 on there, but 4, and double of yours?"
"Doc, prove it."
"Don't call me doc Wheeljack."
"Then prove it sunshine."

"Don't call me sunshine either!"
"But where's your proof?" Wheeljack almost called him doc again.

"I... I..."
"I can't prove it." He sighed. "But I didn't do it."
"Uh, yes you did, you little lier." Megatronous smirked.
"What?!? Then how come I have no memory of it?"
"Maybe a little thing, called alternative personality disease, will help?"
"My personal creation. Set it into the air, infects first person to touch it, and viola."

"So you erased my memory twice?!"
"Hmmmm, yeah. I did." Megatronous laughed evily.
"But, even if I did do it, h-how? How did I?"

"Well, let's watch." A screen started sliding down from the ceiling. Heck no. He was going to make us watch what happened!!!!!
I saw Miko and Bulk cover their eyes in order to prevent puking.

Ratchet's optics widened. A mix of fear and guilt seemed to wash over him.
"YOU RECORED THIS?!" Bumblebee yelled, tears running down his face.
"Yes! Of course I did!" Megatronous said, smiling.
Bumblebeebee looked away. He was so upset, that he started shaking uncontrollably. Ultra Magnus, who sat closest to Bumblebee, awkwardly put a hand on his shoulder.
"Why....why..." Bumblebee muttered.
The film started playing, starting out with Cliff jumper walking by himself.

Jack, who was next to me, started shaking. I took him and sat him in my hands. Raf and Miko were hiding behind Bulk's left hand, while he covered his own eyes with his right.
In the video, Cliff was walking down the hall until he reached the area where he died, where Ratchet was. Ratchet was aimlessly shaking his arms over his head, as if trying to get rid of a bug.
"Ratchet, are you ok? Do you want to partner up?" Cliff asked.
Ratchet stopped moving, and looked at Cliff. We saw the glint of the blade in Ratchet 's hand, and heard him say. " After all those times I repaired all those dents and injuries in you, you never once said thanks. None of you ever did."
"Ratch, what are you talking about? Ratchet? Ratchet!!" Cliff screamed as the knife stabbed his spark.

Madi hid her face in Smoke's arm. Smokescreen, who couldn't look away from the screen, started shaking, his optics wide. Tiger put her hand on Smoke's shoulder, which made him jump.
She didn't say anything, but he knew she wanted to know if he was going to be ok. He nodded.
"Well! Wasn't that fun!" Megatronous said.
Optimus looked angry and upset. His fists were clenched and his battle mask flipped on, which was probably a habit of his.

"How could you do something like that Megatronous? Are we only here for your entertainment?" Optimus yelled, causing me to even shake. He can be scary if he really wants to, though it didn't affect Megatronous.
"Uh... Let me think. Yes."
Ratchet was shaking so hard that he collapsed. He started crying.
"Well, I guess it is time for the execution!" Megatronous smiled.
"N-n-NOO!!!!!!" Ratchet screamed.
Two purple bots came out and picked him up, dragging him into a room. The door shut and a new one opened. "Come and watch." Megatronous smiled.

Everyone came to watch this next horrific scene except for Bumblebee, who was still shaking and crying uncontrollably.
"Oh, and if you don't watch, you will also suffer a long and painful death." Megatronous said. He wants Bumblebee to suffer even more? How could he!? Bumblebee stood up, still shaking. He took one step and fell to his knees. Ultra Magnus helped Bee up. Bee one arm over Magnus for support. They both walked to the new room.

I walked just behind them, Tiger being the last one in. We stood on a glass floor over a dome shaped room. Ratchet was alone below us.

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