"Thank you for the romantic bath too baby." I kissed his lips. As we sat in the candlelight in our bathroom.

 As we sat in the candlelight in our bathroom

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"All for you." He kissed my neck.

I let out a girlish giggle.

"You saying all this about how I changed you, but baby you changed me to." He looked in my eyes. "You taught me to set big goals, and smash them shits. To work hard even when the odds are stacked against you. And you're the epitome of what they say, when they say Black Girl Magic. Seeing you transform right before my eyes, has just been amazing to watch. And I can't wait to share forever with you." He pecked my lips.

"Forever? Forever, ever?" I said being funny quoting the outcast song.

"Forever." He pecked my lips. "And ever." Peck. "And ever." Peck.

I giggled.

"And ever." Peck.

"August." I chuckled.

He smirked. "I can't wait till we get married."

"Move up to Nashville And Get our home." I continued his sentence excited.

"Then in between you saving lives we get a chocolate princess out the bargain." He smiled brightly.

My smile faded.

"What's wrong? Baby I'm sorry if I..."

"No I want that too." I smiled weakly. "It's just Odell my brother in law, would call my niece Livy that. She's probably a big girl now. Probably forgot who I was. I just remember when I was hurting she said in her cutest voice--- T T Anna its okay. Its okay. " I smiled remembering her.

There was silence as I thought about my family.

"Choc I know how you feel. Like everybody abandoned you, but going to these new heights, you should reconnect with at least your sister. If anything for your niece. It's obvious you miss them."

"I'm fine Aug.  I was just having a moment. People leave but memories stay. I rather just keep the memories."


"Can we enjoy our engagement and not talk about them."

"You so stubborn." He said annoyed.

And I was gonna remain that way. Nobody matter but me, God and him.

Shep POV-

"Football Star Sterling Shepard was arrested this morning on charges of public indecency. He was caught urinating on the Seattle Seahawks football field after emptying his locker, screaming expletives. . Police arrested Shepard immediately and placed him in custody. He was released this evening, under the agreement that he never returned to CenturyLink Field.

"Really Shep? You whip your dick out in the middle of the field and started pissing?" Dre my assistant asked me.

"I wanted to leave out the right way. Baby bring me another beer." I hollered at Chanel who was in the kitchen.

"Shep I can't do this no more. You're going in a downward spiral and I don't want to be a party to it. I quit." He got up.

"You quit? Nah nigga you fired." I yelled at the door as he walked out of it. "Should've fired your black ass a long time ago. Motherfucka. Talking about you quit. Ha! Chanel." I yelled.

She came down the stairs with her bags.

"Where you going baby?" I stood up.

"Shep, I can't take this any more. You're an alcoholic."

"A what? Naw baby, I just have a drink every now and then."

"Try every hour. And on top of
That you pull this stunt? Do you know how that makes me look at work? I am a sports journalist Sterling. And people are not gonna take me serious, being with somebody who is a public figure with your antics. You embarrassed me today."

"Fine. Go. Be like everybody else. You never loved me anyway."

"No Sterling the truth is I did, but you never fully loved me. I knew you still loved Deanna. You called her name the other night, and nights before that, and before that. And I used to think it was frivolous sleep talk. Now I know it was something deeper and the sad part is, I still wanted you. " she said with tears in her eyes. "Good bye Shep."

"Cha-Cha wait." I tried to catch up to her but she was gone.

If you comment what you think will happen, its gonna get deleted. I asked yall not to do that. Just be along for the ride please. And thanks! 🤗

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