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Deanna POV-

"Deanna." Dr. J called me to settle down.

I had curled up into fetal position on the examination table. This couldn't be true. This couldn't be life.

I was only 19. I still had school to finish. I didn't want to be that stereotypical black girl, everybody looked at and shook their heads.

Those whispering as I walked by with my baby in their stroller, "she had such a bright future but she messed it up being fast."

"What a failure." They would say as they shook their heads and looked down on me like the gum on the bottom of their shoe.

On top of that what I tell my parents, who entrusted me enough to live with Kenya and O?

They would be so disappointed. Here I have a sister thats on Forbes as one of the top business women with her cosmetics company and an older brother who works at NASA.

And while everybody goes on and on about their ventures at family dinners, when they get to what I'm doing, "its being Sterling Shepard's  baby mama."
The epitome of a stereotype. Just sign me up for Love and Hip-Hop now.

And most importantly what am I going to tell Shep. We had just went through a hard time. We were just getting back right. Just learning each other deeply. If I dropped this news, there's no telling how he would react. And worse of all what if he abandoned me to deal with this all alone.

"Deanna." Dr. J pulled me up and into his chest.

"Please tell me it was a joke." I cried desperately. "What am I gonna tell my parents? O and Kenya or even Shep? I'mma be the joke of campus. Please tell me it was a joke Dr. J." I looked in his eyes desperately searching for the smirk, grin or something that would tell me this was just one of his jokes like we did the Cowboys vs Giants.

But his face stood in the same serious expression.

"It's not the end of the world Deanna."

I removed myself from his embrace and practically ran out the office. He called after me. I didn't turn a round, I made my way to my car and drove home.


I heard a knock on my door, then it opened slightly.

"Buckethead, I ordered dinner and was calling you. K told me you were sick." Shep said coming into my room with a tray.

"What's wrong?"

"I have an ear infection. K-Man gave it to me." I didn't remove the covers from atop my head.

"Sit up and eat. I got us oxtails and rice."

I reluctantly did.

"I'm not really hungry Shep. I just don't want to be bothered."

"Well as long as I'm your man, you gon be bothered whether you want to or not. Eat." He handed me the fork.

He started to eat to.

I reluctantly  took it. I ate in silence for a minute.

"What the doc give you?" Shep asked.

"Some Naseptin Nasal Cream."

"To kill an ear infection?"

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