Dream Girl

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Deanna POV-

I rolled my eyes at Shep blowing up my phone this morning. I was so done with this nigga and his petty games. He could have his Bianca clones and live happily ever after.

"Anna. Shep wants to talk to you. Go over there now, before O gets back. Him and Kenyon went to the store." Kenya said.

"No, I am so done with him."

"Just go." She said and got Livy off the bed who was waking up.

I sighed. Got up brushed my and washed my face, and took a quick shower.

I just threw some clothes on. I didn't care that I looked like a bum. He wasn't my nigga to look good for. 🙄

I checked in the guestroom, PJ was still sleep. I closed the door and went next door.

I rang the bell, and heard Mason on the other end barking.

Then Shep opened the door. I came in and stood by the door, with my arms folded.

"Don't you want breakfast?" He closed the door.

"No, I want to leave. I only came over here because of Kenya, now what do you want."

"I need to talk to you about something important and I can't do it, with you giving off negative energy."

"Well let me talk for you. Lose my number. Don't call me. Visit me nothing. This "friend" thing isn't working out. You live a nice and happy life with your Bianca clowns who you seem to enjoy spending your time with more than me."

He stood there listening.

"I deserve someone who respects me, treats me right and doesn't parade women around to hurt my feelings. I deserve someone who I am not just a number to, but makes me feel special even if its just a friend. PJ does that."

He shrugged his shoulders. "Well I guess you deserve PJ then. I wish y'all luck." He opened his door. Basically kicking me out.

I gladly left. Never to return. I deleted his number out of my phone. And blocked him on all social media.

I went back in the house and up to the guestroom with PJ. I closed the door. Got some of the toothpaste Kenya left for him, softly got on the bed and put it on his nose.

He moved a little. I did it again. This time a bigger glob and he touched his nose getting it all over his hands.

He stale faced me. I laughed.

"Grow up." He said big mad.

"Boy please." I laid down next to him, still laughing at all the salt from him getting caught while he was sleep.

He got a kleenex off the nightstand and wiped his nose.

He looked around then at me confused.

"why are you smiling at me?"

"Cause you look so cute in bad lightening.

He stale faced me.

I laughed.

"No, but for real I want to give us another go." I looked in his eyes.

He scrunched his face. "You talked to O?"

"No silly. I was just thinking about how you treat me, and thats how I should be treated. And I want to do the same for you this go around."

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