Same Mistakes - Zayn Malik Fan Fic Part 6

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I was rudely awoken the next morning by Gemma poking me in the face.


‘Good morning Emili and how was your dream?’

‘Go away’

‘You were talking in your sleep by the way’

‘About what?’

‘I don’t want to say’

‘So why tell me?’

‘Just thought I would let you know’


‘Get up’


‘Get up now, please’

‘Go away’

‘If you don’t get up I will tell Louis your little secret’

‘You wouldn’t so there’s no point’

‘I would, in fact, LOUUUUUIIIIIISSSSSS!’


‘Good girl, Louis has gone out by the way so now is the perfect time to let me get you ready to go to Zayns house, if you get what I mean’

‘What else could you possibly mean apart from get ready? Also I don’t need to because I’m not going’

‘Oh yes you are so get up and let me sort everything out’

‘I’m not going’

‘Why not?’

‘Because it will be awkward’

‘Nope, not good enough. Come on I’ve already sorted out your clothes and packed them for you. All you need to do is have a shower and do your hair, then you’re ready to go’

‘Wow you’ve really planned this out haven’t you?’

‘Yeah so get up now otherwise my plan will be ruined’

‘Hang on how am I supposed to go to Zayns when Louis thinks I’m going to yours so all the travel arrangements will be giving it away’

‘That’s sorted, stop worrying’

Same Mistakes - Zayn Malik Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now