Same mistakes - Zayn Malik Fan Fic part 4

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That night the whole family went to the first of many One Direction concerts to watch Louis. We were sat right at the front, all 20 of us. Mum had literally invited the whole family. Anyway the show was really good, even after Louis Making a prat of himself. Zayn looked quite depressed during the whole performance, every time he looked over at me I could tell he felt the same as I did about the kiss. He looked lost, His eyes looked empty, he wasn’t himself. I felt bad, I needed to do something I needed to talk to Zayn. Gemma spent the whole time swooning over Louis, I was glad she was enjoying herself. I couldn’t relax. I couldn’t enjoy myself when I was so worried about Louis finding out.


After the show had finished we all went backstage to ‘chill’ with the boys. Which basically means we all go backstage and talk about how great Louis is. Oh yippee. I decided to leave them all to it and go for a little exploration of the venue. I walked down the long corridors that snaked around the arena, I was deep in thought strolling around not having a clue where I was going. I turned down yet another corridor and was pulled into a dark room.

‘What the-‘

Zayn put his finger to my lips and turned the light on.

‘We need to talk’

‘I know we do Zayn’

He led me over to the sofa in the corner of the room, and sat down.

‘You didn’t seem yourself today Zayn. Is it because of what happened?’

‘Not exactly’

‘Then what’s wrong?’

‘I feel bad for making you lie to your brother and then I could see you during the gig and it was all I could think about’

‘What do you want to do? Forget it ever happened? Because I can’t do that’

‘I can’t either’

‘Then what’s the problem with me lying to Louis? It’s for his own good’

‘I know it is, but this is after one kiss. What if there were more?’

‘Do you want there to be more?’

‘I don’t know...’

‘Well you must know. If I was to kiss you and Louis never found out, would you kiss me back?’

‘Maybe, I don’t know’

I looked up at him.

‘So you’re saying that if you knew Louis wouldn’t find out you still wouldn’t kiss me? You wouldn’t want to feel the way you did last night ever again?’

‘If I could I would want to feel like that every day, but the only way that can happen is if we sneak around for a while and I’m not sure if I can ask you to do that’

‘Why? Do you think I’m not capable of being a bit secretive?’

‘No that’s not what I think at all. If we can make this work, where does that leave us?’

‘It leaves us here’

I ran my fingers through his hair and kissed him. He hesitated before he relaxed and kissed me back. After a while we pulled away from each other and went back to the others, pretending nothing had happened.

Same Mistakes - Zayn Malik Fan FicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora