Same Mistakes - Zayn Malik Fan Fic Part 5

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The next morning myself, Louis, Gemma and Zayn were all sat on the sofas talking about last night. Well Gemma and Louis were, me and Zayn were texting each other trying to be sly.

Me: You could at least try to be sly about who you’re texting

Zayn: I am being sly

Me: Oh yeah because looking intently at me waiting for me to reply and smiling at me before you reply is really sly

Zayn: That is really sly. You’re not exactly being sly yourself.

Me: Liar. I’m as sly as anyone could ever be

Zayn: Not very

Me: Oh shush. I think Louis is sexually frustrated.

Zayn: Um... Why?

Me: Because he keeps looking at you in that sexual way.

Zayn:  Are you jealous?

Me: No, why would I be?

Zayn: Oh I don’t know, because I’m just irresistible

Me: To my brother?

Zayn: And you...

Me: And what gives you that idea Zayny?

Zayn: The fact you can’t keep away from me

Me: You were the one following me so I think you’ll find it’s the other way round

Zayn: Oh sure. You should come to mine and see my family. They would like you.

Me:  And why would I do that? It’s not as if were together or anything...

Zayn: Oh you’re funny. Secretly we kind of are and does it matter if my family know? Were only supposed to hide it from Louis and then at mine we can just act normal rather than be sitting in the same room less than 2 meters away but have to text each other to talk.

Me: I’ll have to think about it

Zayn: Good, and do what your heart says not your head

Me: Ooo Zayn the philosopher

Zayn: I’m a lot more than that ;)

‘Emili are you even listening? Who are you texting?’

Gemma snatched the phone out of my hand and read the screen. I looked at Zayn, he had his mouth open. I looked back at Gemma, she had her mouth open. I looked at Louis, he was confused.

‘Emili Tomlinson, get upstairs right now!’

I looked back over to Zayn, he still had his mouth open, I sighed and followed Gemma to my room. I sat on the bed while she paced the floor.

‘So Emili, would you like to explain to me what is going on?’

‘Nothings going on’

‘Sure, so these texts aren’t to Zayn?’

‘No... Okay yes’

‘So you say there’s nothing going on right?’


‘Which brings me to this first text where you say to Zayn about him not being sly which means you’ve got something to hide’


‘Then Zayn asks you if you’re jealous of Louis apparently looking at him in a sexual way which implies something happened between you two for you to be jealous of him getting other attention, am I right so far?’


‘Of course not, then Zayn says he is irresistible to you and that you can’t keep away from him which supports my theory more’


‘He then asks you to go and see his family because they would like you, your response to this is to say you’re not together and Zayn replies that you kind of are which proves stuff has happened between you two’

‘And what’s your theory about what happened?’

‘I think that you were with him at new years and something happened. I also think that was the reason you were so on edge at the gig, but you went off by yourself and when you came back you seemed happier and Zayn came back at practically the same time so something happened that night as well’

‘Are you going to tell Louis?’

‘So I’m right then?’


‘Oh. Right. So are you going to tell me what happened or...’

‘Well you seem to have figured out most of it’

‘Not the details though’

‘Fine. New Year Zayn came and told me to come downstairs and we ended up in the tree house kissing. He kissed me first though so it wasn’t my fault. And then last night it happened again we agreed to try and make a go of things’

‘You should go with him’


‘Because it will be nice for you to be able to be yourselves without worrying about Louis’

‘But he will have to find out eventually so I don’t think it’s worth it’

‘Well of course Louis will find out eventually but there’s no point of losing out just because of him. So what you’re his sister and Zayns his friend but you deserve a life too. It can’t all be about Louis and the fact he’s in a band. Just do it, I’ll cover for you. If Louis asks you’re staying at mine okay, so go and be a bad child’

‘A bad child?’

‘Don’t question it... just agree’

‘Okay... You can’t tell anyone though. Louis can’t find out yet, he will kill us.’

‘I’m not going to tell anybody okay, your secret is safe with me’


‘Hang on a second, you haven’t... you know, have you?’

‘No Gemma, I’m not a slut’

‘That wouldn’t make you a slut it would make you... normal? Considering who it is’

‘No, stop it’

‘Sorry, but could you imagine the children’

‘No. Shut up now please’

‘They would be so cute’

‘Stop it’

‘Aw imagine you as a mum, ahaa’

‘Get out’

‘And their little faces’


‘Okay I’m going’


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