Same Mistakes - Zayn Malik Fan Fic Part 16

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I spent the rest of the day working out how to tell Zayn. I knew he would be fine but a part of me was still worried about his reaction. I heard the doorbell ring and Zayn came to join me in the tree house.

‘So, were back where we started, how ironic’

‘Don’t worry Zayn I’m not going to dump you or anything like that’

‘Good. So what’s wrong?’

‘Well, basically... You know what you said the other night about being the best day ever?’


‘Well I really hope you meant that’


‘Because 9 months from now you’re going to be a dad’


‘You heard me. There’s a mini Malik on the way’

‘Oh my gosh. We’re going to-, but you-, are we-‘

‘Zayn calm down okay’

‘I am calm, I’m just shocked that’s all’

‘Good shocked?’


‘So are you ready for this?’

‘I think so...’


‘Are you?’

‘I think so...’


‘So it’s time to stop hiding our relationship then?’

‘I suppose it is’

‘Good because I want everyone to know you’re mine’

‘You don’t own me..’

‘I own your heart’

‘That was incredibly cheesy’

‘I know’

‘Our kid is going to be so messed up’

‘No. They will be beautiful and completely hilarious’


‘Oh my gosh’

‘What now Zayn?’

‘I love you’

‘Aw, and I love you’

‘More than words can describe’

‘You’re so cute’

‘You’re so pregnant’

‘Well done’

Same Mistakes - Zayn Malik Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now